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ECHA publikuje plan działań społeczności na lata 2024–2026 (CoRAP)

On March 19, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) released the Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) for the years 2024-2026, which updates a list of 28 substances suspected to pose risks to human health and the environment for evaluation by the competent authorities of 11 Member States. The plan includes 11 newly identified substances and 17 substances that were already part of the CoRAP for 2022-2024. The evaluation of 11 out of these 17 substances has been deferred, primarily to allow for the submission of new information requested in the dossier evaluations.


Evaluation time

Ten substances are slated for assessment in 2024, thirteen in 2025, and the remaining five in 2026.

The detailed plans are listed below.

Planning list.xlsx

Note: Between 2023 and 2025, one substance listed in the CoRAP was withdrawn from the rolling list due to its lower priority for data evaluation.

Furthermore, the aforementioned situation may change with the upcoming 2025 update of the CoRAP. The Chemradar shall continue to monitor and report on relevant developments.

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