Home » Pozyskiwanie produktów » OZE » Francja wdrożyła 3.5 GW nowych instalacji słonecznych w okresie styczeń-wrzesień
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Francja wdrożyła 3.5 GW nowych instalacji słonecznych w okresie styczeń-wrzesień

Francja dodała 3.5 GW energii słonecznej w ciągu pierwszych trzech kwartałów tego roku, w porównaniu do 2.3 GW w tym samym okresie 2023 roku. Całkowita zainstalowana moc słoneczna w kraju wynosi obecnie 23.7 GW, z czego 22.9 GW znajduje się na terenie Francji kontynentalnej.

Solar PV
Image: Chirayu Trivedi, Unsplash

Z magazynu pv magazine France

France deployed 3.5 GW of solar during the first three quarters of this year, according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Ecological Transition. This compares to 2.3 GW during the same period of 2023.

Installations of more than 500 kW equate to a third (34%) of newly installed power this year but only 0.1% of the number of new connections. Smaller installations, of less than 9 kW, represent 92% of the number of newly connected units and 20% of the new power.

2024 France Solar Installations Distribution by Power Capacity

By the end of September 2024, France’s installed solar capacity stood at 23.7 GW, including 22.9 GW in mainland France.

Solar production, excluding self-consumption, represented 6.2% of French electricity consumption during the first three quarters of 2024. This share is 0.5% higher than the share of solar production in French electricity consumption during the first three quarters of 2023.

The capacity of projects in the queue has increased by 68% since the last quarter of 2023, to reach 37.6 GW including 11.2 GW with a signed connection agreement.

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions accounted for 48% of the newly connected power across France during the first three quarters of 2024. These regions already have the highest installed capacities.

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