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Aktualizacja rynku przewozów towarowych: 15 marca 2023 r.

Aktualizacja rynku frachtu morskiego

Chiny–Ameryka Północna

  • Zmiany stawek: The freight rates for Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) routes are trending downward due to low demand.
  • Zmiany rynkowe: US-bound TPEB rates decreased, with most routes seeing minor rate drops in the past week. The Canadian market and its rate conditions are similar to those of the US. As a result of this low demand, port and railway congestions on Canada’s west coast are reduced.
  • Zalecenie: Book freight shipping at least two weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD), and have backup plans prepared for potential blank sailings.


  • Zmiany stawek: Rates either dropped or remained at the same level for the first half of March.
  • Zmiany rynkowe: The blank sailings after the Chinese New Year (CNY) mean that the supply and demand of transport capacity are re-balanced. Bookings have gradually increased, but are not performing as strongly as they did before CNY. Rates are still under downward pressure.
  • Zalecenie: Określ czas buforowy podczas planowania przesyłek.

Aktualizacja rynku frachtu lotniczego/ekspresowego


  • Zmiany stawek:

Decreased base shipping rate: Freight via JL Europe (Economy), UPS Saver (Premium), HK UPS Saver (Premium), UPS Expedited (Standard), HK UPS Expedited (Standard), Special Product Express (Standard)

Increased base shipping rate: Freight via JL US (Economy), Plant Extract Express (Standard), Beauty Express (Standard)

Chiny–Azja Południowo-Wschodnia

  • Zmiany rynkowe: Demand in exports to Southeast Asian countries remains low, with little sign of increase for the month of March.

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