Nowe części i akcesoria do pojazdów energetycznych

Globalna infrastruktura ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych

Globalna infrastruktura ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych musi wzrosnąć o ponad 500% do 2030 r.; Konect sugeruje, aby zwrócić się w stronę istniejących sprzedawców paliw

Key markets in the electric vehicle (EV) transition are falling behind in their stated goals for public charging infrastructure, according to latest figures on World EV Day. The data reveals that the US, Europe and the UK are more than six times behind the number of plugs needed to meet…

Globalna infrastruktura ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych musi wzrosnąć o ponad 500% do 2030 r.; Konect sugeruje, aby zwrócić się w stronę istniejących sprzedawców paliw Czytaj więcej »


Hyundai prezentuje amerykańską wersję Ioniq 2025 z roku 5; zwiększona pojemność akumulatora, większy zasięg jazdy i nowe funkcje

Hyundai announced the release of the refreshed 2025 IONIQ 5, including a rugged new IONIQ 5 XRT variant. The expanded lineup offers more driving range and features, resulting in improved convenience, performance and safety. The IONIQ 5 will be the first model range manufactured at the new Hyundai Motor Group…

Hyundai prezentuje amerykańską wersję Ioniq 2025 z roku 5; zwiększona pojemność akumulatora, większy zasięg jazdy i nowe funkcje Czytaj więcej »

Baterie litowo-jonowe

Subaru i Panasonic Energy rozpoczną przygotowania do dostaw baterii litowo-jonowych do samochodów i wspólnego utworzenia nowej fabryki baterii w Japonii

Subaru Corporation and Panasonic Energy, a Panasonic Group Company, plan to prepare for the supply of automotive lithium-ion batteries and joint establishment of a new battery factory in Oizumi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Panasonic Energy will supply its next-generation cylindrical automotive lithium-ion batteries for the battery electric vehicles (BEVs) Subaru plans…

Subaru i Panasonic Energy rozpoczną przygotowania do dostaw baterii litowo-jonowych do samochodów i wspólnego utworzenia nowej fabryki baterii w Japonii Czytaj więcej »

Beamspot Curbside EV Charging Product

Beam Global wprowadza na rynek linię produktów do ładowania samochodów elektrycznych Beamspot Curbside

Beam Global, a provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, launched the patented BeamSpot sustainable curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure system. The streetlight replacement combines solar, wind and utility-generated electricity into Beam Global’s proprietary integrated batteries to provide resiliency, lighting and…

Beam Global wprowadza na rynek linię produktów do ładowania samochodów elektrycznych Beamspot Curbside Czytaj więcej »


Hyundai Motor Company and šKoda Group To Collaborate on Hydrogen Advancement and Energy Efficient Solutions for Mobility

Hyundai Motor Company and Škoda Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to commence collaboration on establishing a hydrogen mobility ecosystem. The MOU covers study on adoption of hydrogen fuel cell systems and technologies, study on adoption of energy efficient solutions for mobility projects and products, and exploring hydrogen…

Hyundai Motor Company and šKoda Group To Collaborate on Hydrogen Advancement and Energy Efficient Solutions for Mobility Czytaj więcej »

Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape

BMW, Ford and Honda Begin Operations of Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape

BMW, Ford and Honda have begun operations of the new joint venture that they announced last year and have appointed the first CEO and CTO. ChargeScape is a software platform that integrates electric vehicles (EVs) into the power grid, shoring up grid stability while saving drivers money on their charging….

BMW, Ford and Honda Begin Operations of Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape Czytaj więcej »


Toyota Introduces Smart Technology To Optimize EV Range With New Toyota C-Hr Plug-in Hybrid 220

The new Toyota C-HR Plug-in Hybrid 220 uses innovative technology to make smart decisions which improve real-world driving efficiency. For downtown driving, the new Toyota C-HR Plug-in Hybrid 220 uses a combination of hardware and software innovations to achieve an EV range to match European customer needs. When used exclusively…

Toyota Introduces Smart Technology To Optimize EV Range With New Toyota C-Hr Plug-in Hybrid 220 Czytaj więcej »


Geely Showcases EX5 Global Electric SUV in Frankfurt

China-based Geely Auto showcased its new global model, the Geely EX5, at 2024 Automechanika Frankfurt. Designed to cater to diverse international markets, the EX5 is built on the Geely Electric Architecture (GEA) and features a minimalist design to appeal to users worldwide. It is available in both left-hand and right-hand…

Geely Showcases EX5 Global Electric SUV in Frankfurt Czytaj więcej »


Volvo Ce otwiera nowe obiekty do obsługi produkcji elektrycznych ładowarek kołowych

Volvo CE inaugurated new facilities to support the production of electric wheel loaders at its plant in Arvika, Sweden. The building in Arvika is the latest development for the Swedish site which specializes in manufacturing medium and large wheel loaders. Measuring approximately 1,500 sq m and constructed in less than…

Volvo Ce otwiera nowe obiekty do obsługi produkcji elektrycznych ładowarek kołowych Czytaj więcej »


Hyundai and GM Sign Memorandum of Understanding To Explore Collaboration on Vehicles, Supply Chain and Clean-Energy Technologies

General Motors and Hyundai Motor signed an agreement to explore future collaboration across key strategic areas. GM and Hyundai will look for ways to leverage their complementary scale and strengths to reduce costs and bring a wider range of vehicles and technologies to customers faster. Potential collaboration projects center on…

Hyundai and GM Sign Memorandum of Understanding To Explore Collaboration on Vehicles, Supply Chain and Clean-Energy Technologies Czytaj więcej »

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