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Magari 5 Bora ya bei nafuu yanafaa kwa Wanafunzi wa Chuo

Being a college student often means navigating tight budgets and balancing expenses. For many, owning a car becomes necessary for commuting to classes, work, or social activities. However, finding an affordable yet reliable vehicle can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 cheap cars ideal for college…

Magari 5 Bora ya bei nafuu yanafaa kwa Wanafunzi wa Chuo Soma zaidi "

Nembo ya mtengenezaji wa gari la Volkswagen kwenye jengo

Volkswagen Inaleta Ubunifu kwa Umati Tena: Wakati Huu na AI

It seems like AI (artificial intelligence) really is spreading its tentacles everywhere and the automotive industry is next. Leave it to the Germans to be amongst the first to do it and bring innovation to the automotive industry, once again. Volkswagen has recently unveiled a groundbreaking integration of ChatGPT, an AI-driven chatbot, into the IDA…

Volkswagen Inaleta Ubunifu kwa Umati Tena: Wakati Huu na AI Soma zaidi "

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