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Author name: pv magazine

jarida la pv ni jarida la biashara la photovoltaic & tovuti inayoongoza iliyozinduliwa katika majira ya joto ya 2008. Kwa kuripoti huru, inayozingatia teknolojia, jarida la pv linaangazia habari za hivi punde za jua, pamoja na mielekeo ya kiteknolojia na maendeleo ya soko ulimwenguni.

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Solar Sustainability

Standards and Transparency Key to Solar Sustainability

Discussions at the Sustainable Solar Europe event, held yesterday in Brussels, reveal that clearly recorded and available information is the key to ensuring sustainable and ethical practices all along the solar supply chain. And clear standards for the accuracy and relevance of this information are needed to ensure that all are moving toward the same target. The day also saw the launch of such a standard in the Solar Stewardship Initiative’s Supply Chain Traceability Standard.

Standards and Transparency Key to Solar Sustainability Soma zaidi "

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