Ununuzi wa moja kwa moja na Mtumiaji wa Kisasa
Thanks to social media platforms like TikTok, live shopping is increasingly becoming a staple experience for consumers.
Thanks to social media platforms like TikTok, live shopping is increasingly becoming a staple experience for consumers.
Reports show that large consumer goods companies are currently using the metaverse and next-generation technologies to focus on digital marketing campaigns.
Je! Kampuni za Bidhaa za Watumiaji zinafanya nini katika Metaverse? Soma zaidi "
RELEX Solutions has identified the leading uses of AI in retail, including supply chain forecasting, chatbots, and operational savings.
Amal Ahmed, director at ecommerce fraud protection provider Signifyd, discusses how retailers can navigate the new returns fraud landscape.
Jinsi ya Kupunguza Ulaghai wa Kurejesha Huku Ukihifadhi Uaminifu wa Mteja Soma zaidi "
Kwa kubadilika kwa mitindo ya maisha, watumiaji wa ukuaji wa haraka wa miji wamekuwa na ufahamu zaidi juu ya kudumisha mazingira ya usafi. Soma kwa zaidi.
Mahitaji ya Bidhaa za Kusafisha Yanaongezeka - Wauzaji wa Rejareja Hawawezi Kuendelea Soma zaidi "
The fashion industry, along with many others, is adopting AI, yet there will always be a need for the human touch. Read on for more.
Why the AI Fashion Revolution Needs the Human Touch Soma zaidi "
According to a report commissioned by Toshiba, 92% of retailers are focusing on improving long-term business viability. Read on for more.
Tofauti Kati ya Wauzaji wa Rejareja Watendaji na Watendaji Soma zaidi "