Sasisho la Soko la Mizigo: Desemba 4, 2023
Viwango vya usafirishaji wa anga vimekuwa vyema zaidi, huku China hadi Amerika Kaskazini bei za kila wiki zikiongezeka kwa asilimia 20%. Soma ili kujifunza zaidi.
Masasisho ya soko kwa vifaa na biashara ya kimataifa.
Viwango vya usafirishaji wa anga vimekuwa vyema zaidi, huku China hadi Amerika Kaskazini bei za kila wiki zikiongezeka kwa asilimia 20%. Soma ili kujifunza zaidi.
The ocean freight rates from China to North America have shown distinct trends on different coasts. Read on to learn more.
Ocean freight rates from China to North America’s west coast have risen by approximately 3% over the past week. Read on to learn more.
Ocean freight rates between China and North America have remained stable recently. Read on to learn more.
Katika muda wa wiki mbili zilizopita, bei za usafirishaji kutoka Asia hadi Amerika Kaskazini zimeendelea kupungua. Soma ili kujifunza zaidi.
In the air cargo market, rates from Asia to North Europe and North America have both increased since the end of August. Read on to learn more.
Asia to North America ocean freight rates were level in the past two weeks. Read on to learn more.
Ocean freight rates kept climbing moderately through late August on both the China to US west coast and east coast lanes. Read on to learn more.
Viwango vya usafirishaji wa mizigo baharini viliongezeka tena katika Uchina hadi ufuo wa magharibi wa Marekani na njia za pwani ya mashariki tangu mwishoni mwa Julai. Soma ili kujifunza zaidi.
Ocean freight spot rates trended up on both the China to US west coast and China to US east coast lanes in the last two weeks. Read on to learn more.
Ocean freight spot rates from China to the US increased. Read on to know more about the latest freight market update.
Read on to catch the latest rate changes, and other essential insights for the global air and ocean freight market.
Masoko ya mizigo ya anga na bahari yanabadilika. Soma ili kujua zaidi kuhusu sasisho la hivi punde la soko la mizigo.
Catch the latest rate changes and other essential market changes for the global air and ocean freight market.
Masoko ya mizigo ya anga na bahari yanabadilika. Pata mabadiliko ya hivi punde ya bei, mabadiliko ya soko na maarifa mengine muhimu.