Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » Muhtasari wa Sekta ya Kichina ya PV: NEA Inasonga Mbele na Mpango wa Kupunguza
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Muhtasari wa Sekta ya Kichina ya PV: NEA Inasonga Mbele na Mpango wa Kupunguza

Utawala wa Kitaifa wa Nishati wa China (NEA) unasema kuwa viwango vya matumizi ya miradi ya jua na upepo katika majimbo mahususi haipaswi kushuka chini ya 90%.

jason mavrommatis

The NEA has issued new rules to determine renewable energy utilization rates in China’s provinces. The changes allow provincial grid operators to raise the curtailment threshold for wind and solar projects from 5% to 10%. In areas with favorable conditions, the minimum target for renewable energy utilization is now set at 90%, down from the previous 95%. The NEA aims to encourage energy storage projects throughout the country. However, strict curtailment regulations have limited the scale of renewable projects, hindering approval and development. State Grid’s ultra-high voltage transmission network faces challenges despite advancements in solar technology

Envision said it has secured a crucial energy storage supply contract in the United Kingdom. The agreement involves supplying battery storage systems for the 300 MW/624 MWh Cellarhead project. Construction is set to begin this year, with grid connection expected by 2026. Upon completion, Cellarhead will rank among the largest energy storage power plants in the United Kingdom. Envision, in collaboration with Ameresco, will deliver engineering and maintenance services to Atlantic Green, the project’s investor. Ameresco will oversee engineering, procurement, construction, and long-term operations and maintenance, while Vision Energy Storage will handle AC/DC complete energy storage equipment, SCADA, and EMS systems for the project.

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