Sasisho la soko la mizigo la baharini
Uchina - Amerika Kaskazini
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: Asia to North America ocean freight rates were level in the past two weeks, with the west coast ones seeing a slight decrease to under $2,000 per FEU, according to price indices. Some industry analysts reported that carriers are keeping rates up through an increase of rejections despite idling capacities. With volumes declining (as multiple signs suggest), some believe carriers are even looking to the Lunar New Year for the next rebound.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: The recent rates trend is not a typical one given the time of the year, i.e., weeks before China’s long Golden Week holiday, when in past years volumes tend to increase as importers look to avoid the slowdown in China early October. The weakening demand indicates that the summer peak is over, and casts doubt on any optimism for a recovery in the short-term.
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: Rates for Asia to North European and Mediterranean lanes were stable at the beginning of the month, but fell sharply this past week. Carriers on these lanes had to cancel more sailings last-minute, going above their already aggressive blanking programs.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: The transatlantic spot rates have sunk to a level 50% lower than before the pandemic, prompting some to warn the danger of a collapse of this market. Some industry executives have anticipated this dire situation when carriers were “pumping” capacity into these trade lanes earlier in light of lucrative rates.
Usafirishaji wa anga / sasisho la soko la Express
China-Marekani na Ulaya
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: In the air cargo market, the China to North America rates saw a fair rate increase in the last two weeks, but the China to Europe ones remained significantly lower than a year ago. Overall, airfreight rates have fallen to their lowest level since the pandemic began, according to Xeneta and Tac Index.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: Many key players in the industry remain pessimistic about a rebound in air freight volume until at least early next year. However, some are predicting “pockets” of rate rises associated with the cancellation of some freighter flights, highly anticipated new product shipments for Apple, and soft cargo demand increase in China’s e-commerce exports. These will probably not be significant, nor will they add up to a “peak”.
Onyo: Taarifa na maoni yote katika chapisho hili yametolewa kwa madhumuni ya marejeleo pekee na hayajumuishi ushauri wowote wa uwekezaji au ununuzi. Taarifa iliyonukuliwa katika ripoti hii ni kutoka kwa hati za soko la umma na inaweza kubadilika. haitoi dhamana au hakikisho kwa usahihi au uadilifu wa maelezo hapo juu.