Sasisho la soko la mizigo la baharini
Uchina-Amerika Kaskazini
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: Ocean freight rates on China to North America routes have seen a significant rise. Rates to the US West Coast surged by about a third compared to last month, while those to the East Coast saw nearly a 20% increase. This upward trend is attributed to early peak season demand and ongoing capacity constraints due to vessel diversions.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: Market dynamics in the China-North America trade lane continue to evolve with increased demand pushing rates higher. The National Retail Federation projects US monthly ocean imports to surpass the two million TEU mark in May, indicating an early start to the peak season. Additionally, carriers are implementing new General Rate Increases (GRIs) and peak season surcharges, potentially driving rates up further. Labor negotiations on the East Coast and Gulf ports also pose a risk of disruptions, prompting shippers to expedite shipments.
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: Rates on the China to North Europe and Mediterranean lanes increased by around 20% following early month GRIs. Despite this, rates are expected to continue climbing due to sustained demand and reduced capacity caused by vessel diversions around the Cape of Good Hope.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: The China-Europe trade lane is experiencing unusual demand increases during what is typically a slow season. This surge has led to full ships and rolled containers, with European importers beginning a restocking cycle. Capacity remains tight due to the diversion of vessels away from the Red Sea, pushing carriers to announce additional GRIs. Despite the influx of new ultra-large container vessels, the market is struggling to meet the current demand, leading to further rate increases.
Usafirishaji wa anga / sasisho la soko la Express
China-Marekani na Ulaya
- Mabadiliko ya viwango: Air freight rates from China to North America increased by approximately 8%, continued to be driven by the surge in B2C e-commerce shipments. Conversely, rates to North Europe declined by around 12%, reflecting varied demand conditions across regions.
- Mabadiliko ya soko: The air freight market faces ongoing challenges with overcapacity and fluctuating demand. The recent increases in air cargo rates out of China have been primarily fueled by e-commerce. However, platforms like Temu are shifting focus from the US to Europe due to legislative pressures, which could alter capacity dynamics.
Additionally, the impact of public holidays like China’s Labor Day and Japan’s Golden Week caused significant drops in global tonnage, particularly from the Asia Pacific region. Despite these fluctuations, strong demand from the Middle East and South Asia to Europe has kept rates elevated. The ongoing disruption in ocean shipping and the demand for cross-border e-commerce are expected to maintain pressure on air freight capacity and rates through the upcoming months.
disclaimer: Habari na maoni yote katika chapisho hili yametolewa kwa madhumuni ya kumbukumbu tu na haijumuishi ushauri wowote wa uwekezaji au ununuzi. Taarifa iliyonukuliwa katika ripoti hii ni kutoka kwa hati za soko la umma na inaweza kubadilika. haitoi dhamana au hakikisho kwa usahihi au uadilifu wa maelezo hapo juu.

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