Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » Tuzo za Ujerumani za GW 2.15 Mnamo Julai 1, 2024 Zabuni ya Utumiaji wa Mizani ya Jua
Solar Tender

Tuzo za Ujerumani za GW 2.15 Mnamo Julai 1, 2024 Zabuni ya Utumiaji wa Mizani ya Jua

Bundesnetzagentur Said Tender Oversubscribed Almost Twice, Leading To Low Need For Funding

Kuchukua Muhimu

  • Germany’s latest ground-mounted solar PV tender was oversubscribed with 495 bids coming in  
  • As against the 2.148 GW on offer, Bundesnetzagentur received bids for a volume exceeding 4 GW  
  • It said the strong competition resulted in low award values and, hence, a low need for funding  

The Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur of Germany has awarded a combined 2.15 GW of new utility-scale solar PV capacity in the July 1, 2024 tender that it said was oversubscribed almost twice.  

It received 495 bids representing a combined 4.206 GW volume for the round with an original tendered capacity of 2.148 GW. The agency finally awarded 268 bids with a volume of 2.152 GW. This capacity will be installed as ground-mounted solar PV systems. 

“The bidding deadline was almost twice oversubscribed. The strong competition resulted in low award values and thus a low need for funding,” said President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller.  

Almost half of the awards with 1.037 GW capacity were awarded to projects in arable and grassland areas that are used for agricultural activities only in a limited manner, thanks to the changes brought in by the Solar Package I, added the agency.  

The largest volume of awards was selected for sites in Bavaria with 700 MW capacity, followed by 244 MW in Schleswig-Holstein, and 231 MW in Brandenburg.  

Winning bids ranged from €0.045 to €0.0524 ($0.050 to $0.058)/kWh, while the weighted average winning bid was €0.0505 ($0.056)/kWh. This is almost the same level as the €0.0511/kWh achieved in the previous tender. (kuona Bundesnetzagentur Awards Over 2 GW Ground Mounted Capacity).

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