Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » GSE Inachagua Upepo Mpya wa MW 300, Sola PV na Uwezo wa Umeme wa Maji kwa Motisha za Serikali
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GSE Inachagua Upepo Mpya wa MW 300, Sola PV na Uwezo wa Umeme wa Maji kwa Motisha za Serikali

  • Italy’s GSE awards almost 300 MW of new capacity in its 14th Renewable Energy Auction
  • Awarded facilities comprise wind, solar PV and hydroelectric power plants
  • GSE now plans to launch another round of the auctions on July 26, 2024

The state energy agency Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE) has allocated close to 300 MW of new capacity for wind, solar PV and hydroelectric plants in its 14th Renewable Energy Auction.

According to local news portal Montel, the winning capacity includes 243.3 MW out of 311.4 MW awarded via the tender process, while 52.6 MW from the 377.6 MW was placed in registry enrolment.

Winning projects with 1 MW or higher capacity can access incentives through the auction, while smaller plants will need to enroll in special registries.

All of the winning capacity of 295.9 MW comprised almost 43% of the 688.9 MW on offer in this round. Details of the auction results are available on GSE’s tovuti. The next auction will open on July 26, 2024.

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