Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Kemikali na Plastiki » New Jersey Inapendekeza Kuimarisha Vizuizi vya VOC katika Bidhaa za Watumiaji
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New Jersey Inapendekeza Kuimarisha Vizuizi vya VOC katika Bidhaa za Watumiaji

To mitigate air pollution, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has proposed strengthening restrictions on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in consumer products. The proposal was released on August 19 and suggests imposing VOC limits on nine new categories of consumer products, and enhancing restrictions for thirteen existing categories. The details are outlined in the table below.

New Categories with VOC Limits
New Categories with VOC Limits
Previously Regulated Categories with More Restrictive VOC Limit
Previously Regulated Categories with More Restrictive VOC Limit1

Additionally, the new proposal plans to ban the sale of products containing the toxic air pollutants dichloromethane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and perchloroethylene (Perc), including:

  • Building, panel, and floor coverings;
  • Bathroom and tile cleaners;
  • Non-aerosol multi-purpose solvents;
  • Oven or grill cleaners; and
  • Non-aerosol paint thinners.

The deadline for feedback on this proposal is set for October 18, with the NJDEP having scheduled an online public hearing on October 15. Stakeholders wishing to make oral comments at the meeting must contact the DEP by October 11.

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