Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » SAX Power Inafichua Kibadilishaji cha Betri ya Ndani ya Moja kwa Matumizi ya Nyumbani

SAX Power Inafichua Kibadilishaji cha Betri ya Ndani ya Moja kwa Matumizi ya Nyumbani

Mtengenezaji wa Ujerumani SAX Power anasema uwezo wa kigeuzio chake kipya cha inverter ya betri moja ni kati ya 5.76 kWh hadi 17.28 kWh. Inafaa kwa mifumo mpya ya PV, pamoja na miradi ya retrofit.

sax power montage

Germany-based SAX Power has released an all-in-one battery inverter. It said it offers an easier installation process.

The product features a lithium iron phosphate battery, with capacities ranging from 5.76 kWh to 17.28 kWh. It is suitable for new PV systems and retrofit installations. It can be plugged directly into secure sockets or connected to home power networks via a cable.

SAX Power’s storage control system prevents solar power from entering the public grid until a battery is fully charged, while also preventing grid-power loading. Communication with the electricity meter ensures the battery only supplies electricity needed by households.

SAX Power said all of the components required for this are included in the delivery package, which features a wall bracket with two security screws and a smart meter. It offers a 10-year guarantee for its battery solution.

The company said field tests have shown that the integrated inverter ensures a conversion efficiency of 99%. To ensure operational safety, the cells are separated within 0.2 milliseconds after the safety voltage in the memory is switched off.

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