The work we do is becoming more specialized as each day passes. Countries need to focus as well, and they are investing heavily in the development of specific sectors to stay competitive in the global market. This is causing a surge in the creation of specialized industrial hubs. These hubs increase productivity, keep costs low, allow چھوٹے کاروباروں to get started, and can even play a central role in reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing.
Industrial hubs can help your business too. سورسنگ کی مصنوعات صنعتی مراکز سے آپ کی سپلائی چین کو مستحکم کرتے ہوئے آپ کی قیمتیں کم رہ سکتی ہیں۔ آئیے ایک نظر ڈالتے ہیں کہ کیسے۔
عالمی صنعتی مرکز کیا ہے؟
صنعتی مرکز وہ علاقے ہیں جنہوں نے اپنی پیداوار کو ایک مخصوص شعبے کے گرد مرکوز کیا ہے۔ یہاں مختلف قسم کے صنعتی مرکز ہیں، جن میں چھوٹے اسٹارٹ اپ انکیوبیٹرز، ٹیکنالوجی پارکس، صنعتی اضلاع، خصوصی اقتصادی زونز (SEZs) اور ایکسپورٹ پروسیسنگ زونز شامل ہیں۔ بڑے صنعتی اضلاع اور SEZs میں مینوفیکچرنگ اور تجارت کو سپورٹ کرنے کے لیے بڑے پیمانے پر انفراسٹرکچر مربوط ہو سکتا ہے، جس میں بندرگاہوں اور ہوائی اڈوں سے لے کر ریسورس ریفائنریوں اور فضلہ پراسیسنگ کی سہولیات شامل ہیں۔
“There are around 6,000 industrial hubs spread across 147 countries, with a high concentration in emerging and developing economies, particularly in Asia.” (Source: صنعتی مرکز اور اقتصادی ترقی: ایک تعارف)
The size of a hub can range from small groupings of businesses in technology or industrial parks, all the way up to cities and provinces. Silicon Valley is probably the most universally-known industrial hub for technological innovation, but industrial hubs go back to the 1950s when Detroit’s hold on auto manufacturing earned it the title of “Motor City.”
Why are industrial hubs important for manufacturing?
Industrial hubs come with a unique set of benefits for both companies and employees in the industrial parks, and for the companies and consumers that purchase products created in these hubs. Let’s look at 5 ways that industrial hubs improve production processes and foster innovation.
- صنعتی مرکز جدت کی راہ میں حائل رکاوٹوں کو توڑ دیتے ہیں۔
Industrial hubs are inherently communal. By having a large proportion of people employed in a given area in the same sector, there is a higher chance that ideas and information will circulate between different businesses. This sharing of information helps promote innovation and keeps businesses creating what is actually in demand.
- صنعتی مرکز مقابلے کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہیں۔
Businesses don’t invest in improving their products or services if they don’t have to, but when there are more players in the market, improvement becomes a matter of survival. Industrial hubs dial competition way up. It’s easy for companies to not only see how many competitors are around, but also what they charge and what they’re doing to improve their offerings. This market knowledge helps increase the value companies provide to buyers, who could easily take their business elsewhere.
- Industrial hubs stabilize supply chains
Often, industrial hubs will be centered around specific resources that are common in the area. Pakistan, for instance, has a large cotton agricultural industry. Having this raw resource allowed other companies to add more value by converting cotton into fabrics, and these fabrics helped support the growth of apparel manufacturing. The ability to manage the entire supply chain within its borders reduces transportation costs, customs duties, and operational overhead – which means they can pass these savings on to make their products more competitive. This highly-integrated supply chain quickly converted what was a mostly agricultural country into one that provides high-value clothing globally at truly competitive prices.
- صنعتی مرکز ہائی ٹیک مینوفیکچرنگ کو فروغ دیتے ہیں۔
As companies gather together in industrial hubs and focus their efforts around similar sectors, the local market typically becomes more technical as it grows. As companies group together, whole new markets begin to arise and improve the efficiency of their production processes. New companies start designing and selling industrial equipment, and as factories buy in, others follow suit – increasing their capacity to create higher-quality products at scale. Industrial hubs at their core are “incubators of industrialization, productive and technological capability, and innovation” (Source: صنعتی مرکز اور اقتصادی ترقی: ایک تعارف).
- صنعتی مرکز موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں سے نمٹنے میں مدد کرتے ہیں۔
One of the most inspiring benefits being provided by industrial hubs is their efforts to making manufacturing more sustainable. Since they are usually planned in advance and built with government support, there can be a high level of eco-friendly technology and sustainable materials and systems integrated into the infrastructure and resource management in these “eco-parks.”
"چین ایسے ایکو پارکس تیار کرنے میں خاص طور پر کامیاب رہا ہے، جس نے یہ ثابت کیا ہے کہ پیداواری صلاحیت میں اضافے کے باوجود ماحولیاتی اثرات کو کم کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ 13 چینی ایکو پارکس پر مشتمل ایک تحقیق سے پتا چلا ہے کہ صنعتی سمبیوسس کے ذریعے ان کی ماحولیاتی کارکردگی میں 97 اور 34 کے درمیان تقریباً 90 فیصد اضافہ ہوا، جب کہ ان کی صنعتی قدر میں 2007 فیصد سے زیادہ اضافہ ہوا۔ (ماخذ: اقوام متحدہ صنعتی ترقیاتی تنظیم)
کس طرح صنعتی مرکزوں سے سورسنگ آپ کے کاروبار میں مدد کر سکتی ہے۔
If you are sourcing internationally, working with companies from industrial hubs can help you get better deals on higher-quality products. Suppliers from these areas tend to have more technical manufacturing processes that can help them scale their production more reliably to meet your demand without sacrificing quality in the process. So, it’s worth checking if the suppliers you are looking to work with are based in an industrial hub. پراڈکٹس کے ارد گرد گروپ بندی کرکے ان فوکسڈ صنعتی مرکزوں کے فوائد کو باقاعدگی سے اجاگر کرتا ہے۔ علاقائی خصوصیات اور global industrial hubs.
چین میں سورسنگ کرتے وقت علاقائی خصوصیات تلاش کریں۔
Regional specialties gather products from specific cities or provinces in China that excel at manufacturing a particular type of product. Christmas gifts aren’t made in the North Pole: “up to 80 percent of all the world’s Christmas products are made in China, and about 80 percent of those are manufactured in Yiwu” (Source: سنہوا نیوز).
لیکن اگر آپ واقعی صنعتی مرکزوں کے اہم اثرات کو سمجھنا چاہتے ہیں تو چین کے اہم الیکٹرانکس صنعتی مرکز شینزین سے آگے نہ دیکھیں۔ یہ 50,000 سال پہلے 50 سے کم لوگوں کا گھر تھا، لیکن اب 12.5 ملین سے زیادہ باشندوں پر فخر کرتا ہے اور صرف 2.7 میں CN ¥2020 ٹریلین یوآن مالیت کا الیکٹرانکس تیار کرتا ہے (ماخذ: ایس سی آئی او). Now, over 90% of all electronics will include components sourced from Shenzhen (Source: وینڈ اوور پروڈکشن).
Diversifying supply chains with global industrial hubs
The majority of products on come from China, but many people don’t know we have suppliers based all over the world. Many are leading businesses in specialized industrial hubs and have strong advantages worth considering when sourcing. Whether it’s finding affordable clothing made in Southeast Asia, traditionally crafted folded steel knives from Japan, fine wines from the vineyards of Southern France, or high-grade automotive parts and accessories from Germany, the selections from global industrial hubs on give you a world of options to choose from.
We group similar products that come from global industrial hubs to make it easy to see what products are coming from that particular area. If you want to find products from a specific region or source locally to avoid paying customs duties, this is a great way to see what a specific country has to offer.