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جرمنی کی ستمبر 2024 میں شمسی تنصیبات کی کل تعداد 960 میگاواٹ تھی۔

Bundesnetzagentur 9 GW سے زیادہ پر 2024M 11 نئے PV اضافے کو شمار کرتا ہے

کلیدی لے لو

  • Germany’s September 2024 solar installations totaled 960 MW, according to government statistics  
  • Solar PV additions within the initial 9 months of 2024 added up to over 11.37 GW  
  • Cumulative PV capacity has now expanded to 94.29 GW, followed by onshore wind with 62.5 GW 

Germany’s new solar PV installations in the month of September 2024 increased slightly to 960 MW, compared to the previous month’s 906 MW, thus marking the 2nd consecutive month for the country’s PV installations to fall below 1 GW level.  

The August additions of 906 MW are an improvement over the 790 MW that the country’s Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur reported earlier as it revises the volume with new registrations reported for the month (see German Solar PV Installations Dipped To 790 MW In August 2024).  

Therefore, one can expect the September volume to increase as well in the near future as it updates new registrations in the Market Master Data Register (MaStR). 

This new 959.6 MW capacity in September takes its 9M 2024 deployments to over 11.37 GW, compared to 10.47 GW it achieved during the same period in 2023.   

Most of the new capacity reported was deployed in the Bayern region with over 2.72 GW, followed by 1.61 GW in North Rhine-Westphalia, and 1.56 GW in the Baden-Württemberg region.  

A total of 287.1 MW of ground-mounted PV capacity was installed, and another 36.4 MW was registered, supported under the EEG tender scheme. Another 507.7 MW of rooftop solar and 13.9 MW of ground-mounted PV have been reported under the EEG subsidy scheme.  

The remaining 111.7 MW for ground-mounted and 5.7 MW of rooftop PV registered was without any state subsidies.     

With this, Germany’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity at the end of September 2024 increased to 94.29 GW. On an aggregate basis, its onshore wind power capacity was 62.5 GW, offshore wind 9.21 GW, and biomass 9.06 GW, according to the agency.   

According to a recent Fraunhofer ISE study, ground-mounted PV and onshore wind are the most cost-effective power generation technologies in Germany today (دیکھنا Solar & Storage Plants Cheaper Than Conventional Power Plants In Germany). 

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