Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » Iimpawu eziNgcaciso zePropati yaseOstreliya ziQala-Ezifaniswe noBonelelo lwaMandla
Solar panels under blue sky on sunset

Iimpawu eziNgcaciso zePropati yaseOstreliya ziQala-Ezifaniswe noBonelelo lwaMandla

Enosi Energy has signed a first-of-its-kind initiative with real estate investment business EG Funds by using a matched energy supply agreement to bulk up renewable energy used by commercial properties in Sydney, Australia.


Enosi Energy, based in Sydney, has partnered with Australian real estate investor EG Funds to match up to 85% of renewable energy to its Sydney assets. Enosi Energy will use its proprietary Powertracer software, which is a grid-scalable, clean energy traceability solution.

This is also the first time clean energy has been supplied using a matched energy supply agreement (MESA) in preference to a power purchase agreement (PPA), which makes unlocking clean energy the standard.

Netherlands-based renewables developer Photon Energy has generated energy for EG Fund properties since January 2024, sourced from its 14.6 MW/27.8 GWh Leeton and Fivebough solar farms. The energy has been matched every 30 minutes with the consumption loads from two EG Funds buildings in Sydney.

Business energy retailer Next Business Energy has also partnered on the project.

Enosi Energy Head of Strategy Grant McDowell said the MESA is a powerful and elegant solution to enabling access to solar and wind farm energy for all.

“We always knew that a big challenge to overcome was the entrenched complexities in the electricity sector, and the MESA product, enabled by Powertracer, offers simple lower cost energy procurement in the commercial real estate space and far beyond,” he said.

Photon Energy Group New Energy Division Australia General Manager Joshua Harvey said the MESA is a groundbreaking new energy product that fits hand in glove with their company goal of making clean energy more accessible.

“It helps us innovate for customers and diversify the offers available from our solar farms and we look forward to many more MESAs in the future,” he said.

Next Business Energy CEO David Hayes said the long-term delivery of renewable, clean energy is the future of energy supply in Australia.

“We are proud to be part of this significant innovation. Through partnerships like the MESA, Next Business Energy intends to be the market leader in demonstrating a commitment to renewables, whilst also delivering market leading service and competitive price,” he said.

EG Funds Managing Director Roger Parker said the company has pledged to commit to Real Zero Carbon by 2030 and matching energy loads to solar and wind generation at a lower cost than standard electricity pricing unlocks the first step in their ambition toward 24/7 Carbon Free Energy.

“For electricity procurement decision makers across the market, the MESA represents a powerful new tool for buying lower cost solar or wind energy directly through retail suppliers and represents the first step in the evolution in providing access to matched energy from solar and wind farms at a lower cost on a standard retail contract term,” he said.

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