Imfuno ekhulayo yeemveliso zemithi kunye nemithi iye yandisa utyalo-mali kulo lonke icandelo lamahlathi, kwaye izenzo zokulawula amahlathi ziye zandisa imfuno yezixhobo zamahlathi. Umzekelo, ishishini lemveliso, iimpahla zabathengi, kunye nezindlu ziqhube ukukhula kushishino lwemveliso yamahlathi, okoko konyusa imfuno yezixhobo ezifunekayo ukuvuna, ukulayisha, kunye nokulungisa imithi.
Market share and potential of forestry machinery
Yintoni omawuyijonge xa ukhetha izixhobo zasehlathini oza kuzithengisa?
Ukukhetha oomatshini bamahlathi kubathengi abahlukeneyo
Yise kude
Market share and potential of forestry machinery
In recent years, there has been an increase in the global usage of timber for commercial purposes, boosting the market and demand for forestry machines. In 2020, the market for forestry equipment was valued at I-US $ 9 yezigidigidi kwaye bekulindeleke ukuba ikhule kwi-CAGR engaphezulu kwe-4.5% ukusuka ngo-2021 ukuya ku-2027.
What to look for when selecting forestry machinery to sell?
Imiba ephambili ekufuneka iqwalaselwe xa ukhetha oomatshini bamahlathi
- Umgangatho kunye nokuthembeka
- Iindleko zokufumana
- Equipment size and performance
- Ukuhambelana kunye nokufumaneka kwamalungu okutshintshwa
- Ukusebenza kakuhle kwePetroli
- Availability of knowledge and skills on the usage of the equipment
Iintlobo zoomatshini bamahlathi
1) Stump grinders
A stump grinder is a piece of equipment consisting of powerful rotating blades that are used to remove tree trumps left after a tree has been cut down. Between 2016 and 2020, the global stump grinder market grew at a I-CAGR ye-1.7%, kunye ne-US, iRashiya, iChina, kunye ne-UK elawula imarike. Imarike kulindeleke ukuba ikhule kwi- I-CAGR ye-3.7% through 2021-2031 due to increased government investments and strict regulations on environmental protection.
Imiba ephambili ekufuneka iqwalaselwe phambi kokuba ukhethe
- Age of the stump
- Size of the stump
- Grind depth
- Iintlobo zemithi
- Stump grinders are characterized by a cutter wheel with fixed carbide teeth that grind the tree stumps and roots into small pieces using a high-speed disk.
- Iisilinda zeHydraulic zilawula amavili okusika ngokutyhala intloko yomsiki kwisiphunzi.
- Izigayi zesiphunzi ziyahluka ngobukhulu; zinokuba zincinci njengesixhobo sokucheba ingca enobunzima obumalunga ne-100 lbs kwaye ibaleke kancinane njenge-7 hp okanye ilori enkulu enobunzima. 1,500-2,000 lbs running on power ranging between 30-40 hp.
- I-carbide-tipped-tipped isinyithi Ivili elingaphambili kwigrinder yesiphunzi yenza ukuba kukhawuleze kwaye kusebenze kakuhle ukususa isiphunzi.
- Stump grinding is good for the environment since it removes all types of stumps and roots without affecting the surrounding landscaping, trees, or plants.
- Iziphunzi zisusa izikhondo zisusa ukuntshula okutsha.
- Large stump grinders are expensive.
- Ukusila iziphunzi kunokuba bubumdaka.
2) Abavuni
Abavuni bemithi bayaziqhuba oomatshini bokusika esetyenziselwa ukugawula nokulungisa izikhondo zemithi. Zisenokuqhutywa ngamavili okanye zilandelelwe, apho le yokugqibela isetyenziselwa ukujongana neendawo ezithambekileyo. Imarike yehlabathi yezixhobo zokuvuna amaplanga kuqikelelwa ukuba iza kukhula kwi I-CAGR ye-5.5% phakathi 2017-2025, isixa kuqikelelwa US $ 25 billion ixabiso lemarike.
Imiba ephambili ekufuneka iqwalaselwe phambi kokuba ukhethe
- Ubungakanani kunye nobuninzi bemithi
- Ukuphazamiseka kokusingqongileyo
- Ukuma komhlaba
- Isakhono semveliso
- Ziquka ukusika iintloko ezisetyenziselwa ukugawula, ukugawula, kunye nemithi yembabala kubude obufunekayo.
- They also have a fixed or rotating front or rear cab for the operator.
- Ziyinxalenye yenkqubo ebanzi ngakumbi enokuthi ibandakanye iilori ezizilayishayo kunye nabagqithisi.
- Tracked harvesters can be used to harvest in rough and steep terrain.
- The boom arms and large clamps enable the machine to harvest, carry and fell large-diameter trees. They also help the operator direct the felling in safe directions to protect the residual stand.
- Abavuni abafanelekanga kwiintlobo ezininzi zemithi.
3) Log loaders
Log loaders in the forestry industry are used to sort and stack logs into piles that are then moved to transport trucks. Loaders can either be enamavili, trailer-mounted, or tracked. The log loaders’ market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3% between 2022 and 2028.
Factors to consider before selecting
- Size and weight of the log
- Ukuma komhlaba
- Log loader specs and dimensions vary depending on the manufacturer and the model. For example, the HITACHI ZX210F-6 has a net power of 163.7 hp, a fuel capacity of 800 L, and an operating weight of 60,913.8 lbs. On the other hand, the DOOSAN DX225LL-5 unamandla angaphantsi kwe-162.3 hp kodwa amandla aphezulu e-fuel 1,018 L kunye nobunzima bokusebenza be-68,784.3 lbs.
- In the case of knuckle-boom loaders, a hydraulic system is used to operate the boom and swing arms.
- Truck-mounted loaders are directly attached to a truck and are suitable for more minor loading activities.
- Wheeled loaders are characterized by a set of forks with a grapple that helps load the logs.
- Ukusebenza kakuhle kwePetroli
- Isantya esiphezulu kunye neradiyasi encinci yokujika
- Ukukhutshwa kwekhabhoni ephantsi
- Ukusebenza okulinganiselweyo ngenxa yombhobho wamandla aphantsi
- Ubungakanani bemithi obahlukeneyo bufuna iintlobo ezahlukeneyo zabalayishi, okwenza kube nzima ukusebenza emahlathini anemithi yobukhulu obahlukeneyo.
4) Excavators

Amahlathi abembi are heavy equipment used to dig the earth, demolish forest trees, and load and unload the cut-down trees. The increased demand for high productivity in global harvesting has significantly boosted the demand for excavators. In 2018, the excavators’ ixabiso lentengiso ibiyi-US$44.12 yeebhiliyoni zeedola, kuqikelelwa ukuba iza kukhula iye kutsho kwi-US$63.14 yebhiliyoni ngo-2026. Olu qikelelo lokukhula lubonisa i-CAGR ye-4.7%.
Imiba ephambili ekufuneka iqwalaselwe phambi kokuba ukhethe
- Depth to be excavated
- Type of task to be executed
- Ziquka ibhoom, ibhakethi, kunye nekhabhathi ekwiqonga elijikelezayo.
- Zenziwe ngentsimbi ye-heavy gauge.
- Uninzi lwamalungu ashukumayo aqhutywa nge-hydraulically.
- Uninzi lweenjini zokumba zisebenzisa idizili. Nangona kunjalo, izinga lokusetyenziswa lixhomekeke kwimodeli kunye nobukhulu.
- Ukonyuka kobuchule kunye nemveliso
- Iindleko zokusebenza eziphantsi
- Ifumaneka kuqwalaselo oluninzi ukuhlangabezana neemfuno zeeprojekthi ezahlukeneyo
- Iindleko eziphezulu zokufunyanwa nokugcinwa kwazo
Ukukhetha oomatshini bamahlathi kubathengi abahlukeneyo
Target market and customers for the forestry machinery
The forestry equipment and machines market is projected to grow from I-9 yeebhiliyoni zeedola zaseMelika ngo-2020 ukuya kwi-US$ 13 yebhiliyoni ngo-2027. Ujoliso olwandisiweyo kwimisebenzi yolawulo lwamahlathi kunye nesidingo sokunyusa umgangatho kunye nobuninzi besivuno kunokwenzeka ukuba kuqhube imfuno yoomatshini bamahlathi.
Targeting by region
UMntla Melika kunye neYurophu ngoku iimarike ezinkulu kwizixhobo zamahlathi ngenxa yokusetyenziswa kwazo okuphezulu kweepalethi zomthi, eziqhuba imfuno yokuvuna. Ummandla we-Asia Pacific, ngakumbi i-China kunye ne-Indiya, ibonisa ukukhula okunamandla kwimfuno yezixhobo zamahlathi kunye nokusetyenziswa kweepalethi zomthi. Ngelixa eminye imimandla, efana noMbindi Mpuma kunye ne-Afrika, inemfuno esezantsi, ukwanda kwemisebenzi yezoqoqosho kunye nokukhula koqoqosho okuzinzileyo kubonisa ukuvela okunokwenzeka kweemarike ezintsha.
Yise kude
Ukuvuna nokulungisa amaplanga kwiindawo ezinemithi kufuna oomatshini abahlukeneyo bamahlathi, bonke besebenza kunye ukuvelisa iimveliso ezisemgangathweni zabasebenzisi bokugqibela. Uphuhliso kunye nemigaqo-nkqubo yolawulo lwamahlathi kwihlabathi jikelele iqhuba ngokuqhubekayo imfuno yoomatshini bamahlathi. Qinisekisa ukuba ujonga abanye oomatshini, ulwakhiwo, kunye namanqaku okwakha Chovm Blog.