Ikhaya » Iindaba zamva » Amashishini ali-10 anelona nani likhulu lamashishini e-US
amashishini ali-10 anelona nani likhulu lamashishini kuthi

Amashishini ali-10 anelona nani likhulu lamashishini e-US

IiTrasti kunye namafa e-US
Iinkonzo zeeteksi kunye neeLimousine e-US
Iinwele kunye neeSalon zeNzipho e-US
Iinkonzo zokuJonga e-US
Intengiso yeReal Estate & Brokerage e-US
Abacebisi ngetyala, aBavavanyi kunye nabaVavanyi base-US
Abadlali kunye namaGcisa aYilayo e-US
Hair Salons in the US
IiNkampani ezithengisa ngokuthe ngqo e-US
Management Consulting e-US

1. IiTrasti kunye namafa e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 3,725,601

Ishishini leTrasti kunye ne-Estates liquka iitrasti, imihlaba kunye nee-akhawunti ze-arhente ezilawulwa egameni labaxhamli phantsi kwemiqathango esekwe kwikhontrakthi yokuthembeka. Ingeniso yoshishino, equlunqwe ikakhulu yinzuzo eyinkunzi kwii-asethi ezithenjwayo kunye nezabelo eziqhelekileyo, ibonise ukunyuka kule minyaka mihlanu idlulileyo. Ishishini lixhamle kwizivuno ezinkulu kwiimarike zezabelo kunye noxabiso kumaxabiso ezindlu ngeli xesha langoku. Kule minyaka mihlanu idlulileyo, ingeniso inyuke kwi-CAGR ye-2.8% ukuya kwi-221.4 yeebhiliyoni zeedola, kubandakanya nokunyuka okulindelweyo kwe-4.2% ngo-2023.

2. Iinkonzo zeeteksi kunye neeLimousine e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 2,117,510

Ishishini leeNkonzo zeTeksi kunye neLimousine libonelela ngeenkonzo zothutho ezingekho rhoqo ngezithuthi ezinjengeeteksi, iimoto zeenqwelo-mafutha kunye neesedan zodidi oluphezulu. Ukunyuka kwenkcitho yabathengi kunye namanqanaba engeniso yenkampani kubangele imfuno enkulu yoshishino kule minyaka mihlanu idlulileyo, ngaphandle kowama-2020. Ngaphezu koko, ukwanda kwezicelo zokwabelana ngokukhwela kukhokelele kumaza azinzileyo abaqhubi abangaphangeliyo abangena emarikeni, okomeleza ukukhula. Ngo-2020, ubhubhani we-COVID-19 (coronavirus) ubangele ukuhla kwengeniso nge-47.6% enyakeni kuphela. Izigunyaziso zokutshixa kulo lonke elase-United States ngeli xesha linciphise imfuno yoshishino kakhulu.

3. Iinwele kunye neeSalon zeNzipho e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 1,394,483

The Hair and Nail Salons industry offers haircuts, facials, makeup application services, hair modification treatments, as well as deluxe spa manicures and pedicures. Demand for these services mirrors broader economic performance since economic growth boosts consumer spending on personal care products and services. New products and services have favorably contributed to industry revenue growth in recent years. However, COVID-19 caused revenue for Hair and Nail Salons industry to plunge in 2020.

4. Iinkonzo zokuJonga e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 1,200,270

Janitorial services companies rely heavily on economic growth for revenue, as commercial cleaning services make up more than two-thirds of janitorial services sales. When the economy is doing well, cleaning companies provide services on a more frequent basis and can charge higher prices, as their clients have more funds to spend. Households account for a smaller but still significant revenue share. Residential cleaning services are subject to fluctuations in mortgage rates, as lower rates tend to be linked to a higher number of home purchases.

5. Intengiso yeReal Estate & Brokerage e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 1,189,023

Real estate salespeople and brokers sell, buy or rent real estate for others. The industry is closely aligned with the health of the residential and commercial real estate markets in the United States. Revenue is directly correlated with property prices and real estate transaction volumes, and agents are paid completely on a commission basis, receiving a fee only when they close a deal. Also, the residential market accounts for most of revenue, making the real estate sales sensitive to fluctuations in housing prices and existing home sales.

6. Abacebisi ngetyala, aBavavanyi kunye nabaVavanyi base-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 1,137,136

I-Credit Counselor, i-Surveyors kunye ne-Appraisers industry iye yafumana ukukhula okubonakalayo kwengeniso, ukunyuka kwinqanaba lonyaka we-8.3% ukuya kwi-99.4 yeebhiliyoni zeedola kwiminyaka emihlanu ukuya kwi-2022. Ishishini libandakanya iindidi ezininzi zababoneleli beenkonzo zobuchwephesha kunye nobugcisa, kubandakanywa abacebisi beekhredithi, abahloli bobungakanani, abahloli bezinto ezibonakalayo, ababikezeli bemozulu, abahloli be-arbitrator kunye nabahloli. Ngenxa yoko, ishishini lichaphazeleka kwizinto ezininzi ze-demographic kunye ne-macroeconomic ezinempembelelo yezinto eziphathekayo kwishishini. Ubhubhani we-COVID-19 (coronavirus) uncede abacebisi ngeentengo zemboleko kuba iimeko zoqoqosho ezinzima zabangela ukuba abathengi abaninzi bafune iingcebiso ngezezimali.

7. Abadlali kunye namaGcisa aYilayo e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 1,125,280

Performers and creative artists include independent artists, freelance and bestselling writers, stage and A-list actors and painters, in addition to a dozen other artistic professions. Over 96.0%of working artists don’t employ any workers since revenue in this field can be difficult to come by.The top artists are the ones whose work is highly coveted and revered, and famous authors and actors are capable of earning millions of dollars annually. Some have the fame and financial means that requires themto employ teams to maintain their image, but these account for a slim portion of artists.

8. Hair Salons in the US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 952,619

Over the past five years, the Hair Salons industry has benefited from rising consumer sentiment and per capita disposable income. These trends have also increased demand for ancillary services to standard haircuts like hair modification treatments (e.g. straightening procedures, perms and relaxing treatments), skincare services and others. Nonetheless, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to the temporary closure of industry establishments and a significant decline in demand in 2020 as individuals had fewer reasons to get haircuts due to stay-at-home mandates and high unemployment.

9. IiNkampani ezithengisa ngokuthe ngqo e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 933,234

Abanini mashishini kwishishini leeNkampani ezithengisa ngokuthe ngqo bathengisa uluhlu lweemveliso ukusuka komnye umntu ukuya komnye kude nendawo esisigxina yokuthengisa. Ubhubhani we-COVID-19 (i-coronavirus) ubangele utshintsho olukhulu kwishishini njengoko ukudendwa kwabasebenzi kuqhubela phambili amanqanaba entatho-nxaxheba kushishino, okukhokelela ekusebenzeni okuphezulu. Nangona kunjalo, ukhuphiswano olunamandla oluvela kubathengisi beebhokisi ezinkulu kunye ne-e-commerce liye lachaphazela kakubi ishishini, njengoko abakhuphisana nabo bekwazi ukunikezela ngokukhethwa okubanzi kweemveliso ezithatha indawo ngamaxabiso aphantsi kunye nendawo efanelekileyo yokumisa enye.

10. Management Consulting e-US

Inani lamaShishini ka-2023: 901,751

Providing varied services to diverse downstream markets with unique needs allows management consultants to weather changing economic conditions. Extreme shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic led to revenue declines, but sometimes clients need consulting services in bad times, which buffers revenue declines and ensures low revenue volatility. Bouncing back from the COVID-19 pandemic, industry-wide revenue grew at a CAGR of 1.1% to $329.9 billion over the past five years, growing 0.1% in 2023 alone.Technological change in client markets will spur demand for various consulting services, but challenge profit margin growth.

Umthombo ovela IBISWorld

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