Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » Izongezo zeSolar eziNtsha zase-Italiya zifike kwi-5.23 GW ngo-2023
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Izongezo zeSolar eziNtsha zase-Italiya zifike kwi-5.23 GW ngo-2023

I-Italiya ifake i-5.23 GW yelanga elitsha ngo-2023, izisa umthamo wayo odibeneyo we-PV kwi-30.28 GW ngoDisemba, ngokutsho kwequmrhu lezorhwebo i-Italia Solare.

Miha Rekar, Unsplash

Italy reached 30.28 GW of cumulative installed PV capacity, spread across 1,594,974 installations, at the end of December 2023, according to new statistics from Italia Solare, the nation’s solar energy association.

PV systems ranging from 200 kW to 1 MW accounted for the largest portion of the capacity, at 9,324 MW, followed by installations below 12 kW in size, accounting for 6,919 MW. Systems ranging from 20 kW to 200 kW accounted for 5,821 MW of the total. The fourth-largest segment was represented by systems between 1 MW and 10 MW in size, accounting for 4,682 MW of the total. Italia Solare said that PV plants above 10 MW accounted for 1,896 MW of the total.

The regions with the largest share of total new capacity additions are Lombardia with 4,056 MW, Apulia with 3,306 MW, Veneto with 3,164 MW, and Emilia Romagna with 3,027 MW.

In 2023, new PV additions hit 5.23 GW. This compares to 2.48 GW in 2022 and 0.94 GW in 2021.

According to Italia Solare, 43% (2.26 GW) of the solar connected to the grid last year came from residential installations, while the C&I segment accounted for 35% (1.82 GW). Utility-scale PV plants accounted for 22% (1.16 GW) of the total.

During 2023, 12 utility scale plants with a capacity of over 10 MW were connected, for a total of 417 MW, of which six are located between Sicily and Sardinia, for a total of 222 MW, the association said in a statement. The other eight plants are distributed between Basilicata, Lazio, Piedmont and Puglia.

The trade body also said last year’s growth was mainly due to the so-called “super bonus” for building renovation projects, which recently expired, as well as high energy prices.

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