Iiprojekthi ezisibhozo zebhetri ezitsha zongezwe ukuya kuthi ga kwi-95% yevolumu ngaphezulu kuneyarekhodwa kwi-Q3, ngo-2023, ngokutsho kweBhunga laMandla acocekileyo (CEC) ingxelo yekota ekwakhombe kwi-boom yokuvelisa uhlaziyo.

Ukusuka kwiiNdaba ze-ESS
The latest quarterly assessment by Australia’s CEC showed investment in energy storage projects continued to power ahead between July and September 2024, with eight new battery systems that will provide a record 1,235 MW/3,862 MWh of storage capacity reaching financial commitment. That figure was up 95% compared to the same period of 2023. The CEC said the storage investment commitments totaled at least AUD 1.2 billion ($789 million), with several projects not providing publicly available investment data.
There were also 10 new large-scale solar and wind energy generation projects with 1,405 MW of generation capacity and a combined value of AUD 3.3 billion which achieved a final investment decision in the three months to the end of September 2024.
Ukuqhubeka ufunda, nceda undwendwele iwebhusayithi yethu yeendaba ze-ESS.
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