Izahlulo zemoto & nezincedisi

Ukufumana ulwazi kunye neendlela zentengiso zecandelo lezithuthi kunye neshishini lezixhobo.

Zonke iilori zeDaimler zoMbane zoMbane 4-5 IRIZON iilori zingena kwiMarike yaseCanada

RIZON, Daimler Truck’s newest brand of all-electric vehicles, announced the Canadian launch of its class 4-5 vehicles. The RIZON brand will be presented in Canada for the first time at Truck World in Toronto from April 18 – 20 April and will be available to Canadian customers for the first…

Zonke iilori zeDaimler zoMbane zoMbane 4-5 IRIZON iilori zingena kwiMarike yaseCanada Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iibhasi ezincinci zeMercedes-Benz Sprinter kwindawo yokupaka

2025 eSprinter Yazisa 81 kWh ibhetri, uphahla olusemgangathweni kunye 144” Iinketho Wheelbase

Mercedes-Benz USA is extending customer offerings for the new 2025 eSprinter with the launch of the 81-kilowatt hour (kWh) battery option (usable capacity) and further developed technology functions. In addition, enhanced safety and assistance systems are now available as well as upgraded standard equipment for the new conventionally powered Mercedes-Benz…

2025 eSprinter Yazisa 81 kWh ibhetri, uphahla olusemgangathweni kunye 144” Iinketho Wheelbase Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Isandla somfazi sigqithisa iphepha elimhlophe elimile okwemoto

Ukukhetha iMoto yoMbane eLungileyo: Izivumelwano zokuqeshisa kunye nokuba zithetha ntoni kuwe

Ngokuvinjelwa okuzayo kwiimoto zepetroli kunye ne-diesel e-UK ukusuka kwi-2030, kukho ukugxila okukhulayo kwiimoto zombane. Ziyasebenza, zinobuhlobo kwindalo, kwaye ziya zisanda, ziba lukhetho olusebenzayo kwabaninzi. Ecaleni kokuthenga, ukuqeshisa (irenti yexesha elide) kuye kwavela njengenye indlela yokufumana ezi zithuthi. Eli nqaku liphonononga imoto yombane…

Ukukhetha iMoto yoMbane eLungileyo: Izivumelwano zokuqeshisa kunye nokuba zithetha ntoni kuwe Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Manager with a digital tablet on the background of trucks

MAN Significantly Expands eTruck Portfolio; More Than 1M Configurable eTruck Variants

MAN Truck & Bus is significantly expanding the eTruck portfolio for its customers. The number of configurable eTruck variants has risen to more than one million from the three customer combinations previously defined. The new chassis versions of the eTGX and eTGS can be highly customized with a variety of…

MAN Significantly Expands eTruck Portfolio; More Than 1M Configurable eTruck Variants Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

2021 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali Pickup Truck

2024 Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 Gears up for Ukuqaliswa Ngoluhlu oluphuculweyo

GMC announced the 2024 Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 will add more all-electric range than originally estimated. Through optimization of the GM Ultium Platform, the EV pickup will come standard with a GM-estimated 440-miles of range for the 2024 model year, a 10% increase from the originally estimated range of…

2024 Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 Gears up for Ukuqaliswa Ngoluhlu oluphuculweyo Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Umzi-mveliso weVolkswagen

Volkswagen Utyalomali €2.5b kwi Hefei Production Hub

Volkswagen is further expanding its production and innovation hub in Hefei, Anhui Province, China with investments totaling €2.5 billion. In addition to the expansion of R&D capacity, preparations are also being made for the production of two Volkswagen brand models, which are currently being developed together with Chinese partner XPENG….

Volkswagen Utyalomali €2.5b kwi Hefei Production Hub Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Ibhasi yesixeko ene-Hydrogen kwisikhululo samafutha e-hydrogen

IFrankfurt iKhetha iibhasi zeSolaris ezine-Hydrogen-Powered Solaris okwesihlandlo sesithathu-Ngeli xesha kwi-Articulated Version

In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB), the public transport operator in Frankfurt am Main, has placed an order for 9 Solaris Urbino 18 articulated hydrogen buses. There are already 23 hydrogen-powered Solaris buses running in the city, supplied in 2022 and 2024. Deliveries of the articulated buses from the latest order are scheduled…

IFrankfurt iKhetha iibhasi zeSolaris ezine-Hydrogen-Powered Solaris okwesihlandlo sesithathu-Ngeli xesha kwi-Articulated Version Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

IVolkswagen Golf GTE itshaja kwindawo yokutshaja kwisitrato saseLondon

IVoltpost Debuts Commercial Lamppost Electric Vehicle Charging Solution

I-Voltpost, inkampani ephuhlisa iinkqubo zokutshaja iimoto zombane ze-lamppost (EV), ibhengeze ukufumaneka kwentengiso yesisombululo sokutshaja se-EV esecaleni. Inkampani iphuhlisa kwaye ithumele iiprojekthi zokutshaja ze-EV kwiindawo ezinkulu zemetro zase-US, kubandakanya iNew York, iChicago, iDetroit kunye nezinye, kule ntwasahlobo. IVoltpost ibuyisela iipali zezibane kwimodyuli kunye…

IVoltpost Debuts Commercial Lamppost Electric Vehicle Charging Solution Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Impompo yegesi ye-E85 (iFuel yeFlex)

I-Propel Fuels Ivula isikhululo sayo sokuqala seFlex Fuel E85 eWashington

I-Propel Fuels, umthengisi ohamba phambili ophantsi kwe-carbon fuel, uvule isikhululo sokuqala se-Flex Fuel E85 yenkampani e-Washington State, ngokubambisana ne-Road Warrior Travel Centre ukuzisa i-fuel low-performance fuel choice kwi-Yakima Valley. IPropel kunye neQhawe leNdlela libhiyozele ukufumaneka kweFlex Fuel E85…

I-Propel Fuels Ivula isikhululo sayo sokuqala seFlex Fuel E85 eWashington Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Ibhetri ehlaziyiweyo yamandla ngokutsha i-EV lithium

I-Li-ion eluhlaza iQalisa i-N yaseMelika yoMzi-mveliso wokuQala woRhwebo wokuVelisa iziXhobo zeBatri eSebenzisiweyo ye-Li-ion

I-Green Li-ion, inkampani ye-lithium-ion ye-betri ye-recycling ye-teknoloji, yaqalisa ukufakwa kwayo kokuqala kwezorhwebo ukuvelisa izinto ezizinzileyo, ze-battery-grade-yokuqala kohlobo lwayo eMntla Melika. Umzi-mveliso, obekwe kwindawo ekhoyo yokurisayikilisha, uya kuvelisa i-cathode yomgangatho webhetri kunye nemathiriyeli ye-anode ukusuka kumalungu agxininisiweyo eebhetri ezichithiweyo kusetyenziswa ilungelo elilodwa lomenzi weLi-ion yeGreen…

I-Li-ion eluhlaza iQalisa i-N yaseMelika yoMzi-mveliso wokuQala woRhwebo wokuVelisa iziXhobo zeBatri eSebenzisiweyo ye-Li-ion Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Umthengisi wePorsche onelogo ebomvu phambi kwesakhiwo kunye nesibhakabhaka esiluhlaza ngasemva

Iimodeli eziNtsha zePorsche Cayenne GTS ziFaka iV8 enamandla ngakumbi kwaye esebenzayo

Porsche is completing its Cayenne model line, which was comprehensively revised in 2023, with the new, particularly dynamic GTS (Gran Turismo Sport) models. The SUV and Coupé combine a 368 kW (500 PS) twin-turbo V8 engine with performance-driven chassis systems. The car is now equipped with adaptive air suspension as…

Iimodeli eziNtsha zePorsche Cayenne GTS ziFaka iV8 enamandla ngakumbi kwaye esebenzayo Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Ilogo yeVolvo kumzi-mveliso

Iimoto zeVolvo zisebenzisa i-Biogas ukufezekisa isityalo sayo sokuqala sokungathathi hlangothi kweMozulu e-China

Volvo Cars’ Taizhou manufacturing plant has switched to biogas, making it the company’s first plant in China to achieve climate-neutral status. The plant’s switch from natural gas will result in a reduction of more than 7,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Despite being a small share of total Scope 1-3…

Iimoto zeVolvo zisebenzisa i-Biogas ukufezekisa isityalo sayo sokuqala sokungathathi hlangothi kweMozulu e-China Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Skrolela phezulu