Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » Isishwankathelo soShishino lwePV yaseTshayina: I-CNNC Isungula iThenda yokuFumana i-Inverter
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Isishwankathelo soShishino lwePV yaseTshayina: I-CNNC Isungula iThenda yokuFumana i-Inverter

China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC), a Chinese state-owned nuclear producer, has revealed plans to procure 1 GW of inverters, while Mubon High-Tech said it may scrap its plans to build a 5 GW heterojunction solar cell factory in China’s Anhui province.

Manny Becerra, Unsplash

CNNChas published a tender notice for its annual PV-inverter procurement round. The bidding process for 2024 will be segmented into three categories, focusing on central inverters, string inverters, and residential string inverters, with an estimated total procurement of 1 GW. The company said it will use the inverters for unspecified PV projects.

Mubon High-Tech said it might abandon its plans to build a 5 GW heterojunction solar cell factory in Tongling, Anhui province, due to financial issues. It said the planned investment amount surpasses its current financial reserves, raising concerns about potential termination due to unclear funding sources. Mubon High-Tech originally announced the project in January.

Sichuan Road and Bridge (SRBG) said this week that one of its wholly owned subsidiaries will develop two solar projects in Liangshan, Sichuan province. The combined capacity of the two projects amounts to 680 MW, with individual capacities of 320 MW and 360 MW. The construction phase is expected to take 18 months, followed by a 25-year operational period. SRBG said it will concurrently integrate a 68MW/136MWh energy storage system into the project. The infrastructure for grid connection includes the construction of two 220 kV booster stations, transmission lines, and a 500 kV substation. The total investment for the project has been estimated at approximately CNY 3.739 billion ($519.6 million).

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