Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » I-Bundesnetzagentur Records Isondele kwi-4 GW i-PV entsha yokusetyenziswa kwi-4M / 2023, kubandakanywa ne-1 GW + ngoMatshi.

I-Bundesnetzagentur Records Isondele kwi-4 GW i-PV entsha yokusetyenziswa kwi-4M / 2023, kubandakanywa ne-1 GW + ngoMatshi.

  • Germany has reported 3.71 GW of new solar PV installations during 4M/2023
  • It includes 1.067 GW installed in March and 881 MW added in the month of April
  • Cumulatively, its total installed PV capacity stood at over 71.2 GW as of April 30, 2023

At the close of 4M/2023, Germany had installed over 3.71 GW of new solar PV capacity including 881 MW in April 2023, according to the country’s Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur that has also revised the numbers for previous months including for March to 1.067 GW now.

Previously, the agency had pegged deployments for January, February and March as 899 MW, 808 MW and 944 MW, that has now been revised to 935 MW, 829 MW and 1.067 GW, respectively.

Newest additions during the initial 4 months were reported from Bavaria region at 922.6 MW, followed by 543 MW in North Rhine-Westphalia and 516.4 MW in Baden-Württemberg.

Of the 881 MW in April 2023, 500 MW came from rooftop solar systems supported by state funding under the EEG, and 13.7 MW from ground mounted projects. Another 12.6 MW rooftop and 296 MW ground mounted PV awarded support under EEG tenders. Subsidy-free installations were significantly less than last month as 10.2 MW rooftop and 48 MW ground mounted capacity.

In comparison, onshore wind additions during the initial 4 months of 2023 added up to 860.6 MW, offshore wind 209.6 MW and biomass 15 MW.

At the end of April 2023, Germany’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity stood at 71.259 GW, up from 67.5 GW at the end of 2022. However, to reach 215 GW by 2030 as planned the country needs to increase its monthly installations to 1.562 GW.

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