Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Umoya ovuselelekayo » I-Hive Energy ikhusela iMvume yoQhagamshelwano lweGrid ye-215.6 MW yeeProjekthi zeSolar eSerbia
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I-Hive Energy ikhusela iMvume yoQhagamshelwano lweGrid ye-215.6 MW yeeProjekthi zeSolar eSerbia

I-UK's Hive Energy ithe iiprojekthi ziya kuba neenkqubo zokugcina amandla ebhetri ezilingana ne-10% yomthamo welanga ngokubanzi.


UK-based renewables developer Hive Energy has secured grid connections for four projects in Serbia totaling 216.5 MW.

The developer says two of the projects, 50 MW Pirot and 40 MW Prokuplje, are expected to pass the urbanism planning procedure and receive location conditions for PV and grid this summer. They will be followed by the Veliko Gradiste I and II projects, of 71.5MW and 55MW respectively, which Hive hopes will have ready-to-build status by the end of this year and start of next year.

Each of the four projects will include accompanying battery energy storage systems that are 10% of the overall solar capacity.

Hive Energy says a further seven projects, with a total capacity of more than 500 MW, will be included in future grid connection proposals.

At the end of 2023, Serbia had deployed 137 MW of solar, according to figures from the International Renewable Energy Agency. 

The Serbian government revealed plans to launch its second renewables auction in February and signed a memorandum of understanding for a 200 MW solar power plant with Chinese company Hunan Rich Photovoltaic Science and Technology last month.

Hive Energy unveiled plans to build a solar-driven hydrogen hub in Spain in February.

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