An intensive exam is a physical examination conducted in a centralized examination station (CES) by the officers of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The CBP Officer will open up the goods to inspect the content directly by hand and may take samples whenever required. Depending on the availability of the goods ready for such intensive inspection, and whether the goods need additional assessment, the process may take around 1-2 weeks or even longer.
Malunga noMbhali
Iqela lelona qonga liphambili kurhwebo lwehlabathi jikelele olunceda izigidi zabathengi kunye nababoneleli kwihlabathi liphela., amashishini amancinci anokuthengisa iimveliso zawo kwiinkampani ezikwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuqhelekileyo ngabavelisi kunye nabasasazi abazinze eTshayina nakwamanye amazwe avelisa anjengeIndiya, iPakistan, iUnited States kunye neThailand.