Ikhaya » Ukufumana iimveliso » Izahlulo zemoto & nezincedisi » Uphando olutsha lwe-KPMG luFumana kuphela i-21% yabantu baseMelika abaNcono ukuThenga i-EV; 34% Ikhetha iHybrid
Ingqikelelo eqhubela phambili yokugxila kwi-EV yemoto kwisikhululo sokutshaja esinemvelaphi yomntu omfiliba

Uphando olutsha lwe-KPMG luFumana kuphela i-21% yabantu baseMelika abaNcono ukuThenga i-EV; 34% Ikhetha iHybrid

KPMG LLP (KPMG), the US audit, tax and advisory firm, has released the inaugural KPMG American Perspectives Survey which assesses the views of 1,100 adults nationwide to understand their outlook on their personal financial situation and the US economy, spending plans and preferences, as well as attitudes toward the forces shaping their experience in banking, energy, government, automobiles, healthcare and technology.

Among the findings of the wide-ranging study was that only 21% would prefer to purchase an EV—assuming costs and features are equal. Thirty-eight percent prefer a standard gasoline-fueled vehicle, and 34% prefer a hybrid. On the West Coast, hybrid preference climbs to 43%.

even with same price and features, people would still prefer to buy a standard gas vehicle over a hybrid or electric vehicle

The study also found that 60% of consumers want charging in 20 minutes or less—compared to the 41% that auto executives believe. Today, an 80% charge takes 20 to 60 minutes on a fast charger, and 4 to 10 hours on a Level 2 charger, according to the US Department of Transportation (DOT).

According to the study, 58% of consumers are unlikely to pay for hands-free and self-driving capabilities. On the other hand, safety features such as blind spot monitoring and lane keep assist; in vehicle Wi-Fi; and charging station locators with real-time information on availability and pricing of of much greater interest.

Umthombo ovela INkongolo yemoto eGreen

Ukuziphendulela: Ulwazi olubekwe ngasentla lunikezelwa yi-greencarcongress.com ngaphandle kwe-Chovm.com. I-Chovm.com ayenzi lumelo kunye neziqinisekiso malunga nomgangatho kunye nokuthembeka komthengisi kunye neemveliso.

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