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I-UK ihlaziya iSimo se-90 Substances kuLuhlu lwe-GB MCL

HSE, the GB CLP Agency, is proposing to update the status of 90 substances in GB mandatory classification and labeling (GB MCL). It is scheduled to be effective in April 2024. These 90 substances are from the 14th and 15th ATP (Adaptation to Technical Progress, which was used to update the EU CLP Regulation) released by the European Commission. These two ATPs were published and came into force before the end of the transition period of Brexit and the HSE has already added these substances to the GB MCL list.

I-UK ihlaziya iSimo se-90 Substances kuLuhlu lwe-GB MCL Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Chemical symbols on chemical product

EU Approves 2 Existing Active Substances Used in Biocidal Products

On January 16, 2024, trihydrogen pentapotassium di(peroxomonosulfate) di(sulfate) (CAS: 70693-62-8) was approved for use in biocidal products of product-types 2, 3, 4, and 5, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council. Earlier on 15 January, Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (CAS: 68424-85-1) was approved as an existing active substance for use as product-type 2, subject to the specifications in Table 2.

EU Approves 2 Existing Active Substances Used in Biocidal Products Funda ngokugqithisileyo "


ECHA Adds Five Substances Into the Candidate List of SVHCs

Helsinki, January 23, 2024 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) officially announced the addition of two substances of very high concern (SVHC), bringing the total number of substances on the SVHC list (also known as the Candidate List) to 240. ECHA has also updated the existing Candidate List entry for dibutyl phthalate to include its endocrine-disrupting properties for the environment. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) was added to the SVHC Candidate List in October 2008 in the first batch.

ECHA Adds Five Substances Into the Candidate List of SVHCs Funda ngokugqithisileyo "


I-ECHA iceba ukuNqanda iBenzotriazoles ezintathu phantsi kwe-REACH

On 18 January 2024, ECHA published a screening report to assess whether the use of these four benzotriazoles in articles, including UV-328, UV 327, UV-350, and UV-320, should be restricted in accordance with REACH Article 69(2). Based on the available evidence, ECHA is considering restricting or prohibiting the use (or presence) of three out of the four substances, including UV-320, UV-350, and UV-327 in articles and preparing an Annex XV dossier for restriction. In terms of UV-328, ECHA is of the view that at present there is no need to prepare an Annex XV dossier for restriction as the substance is expected to be addressed by the EU POPs regulation.

I-ECHA iceba ukuNqanda iBenzotriazoles ezintathu phantsi kwe-REACH Funda ngokugqithisileyo "


Ngaba uyifakile iKhowudi ye-UFI kwi-SDS yakho xa uthumela ngaphandle imixube kwi-EU?

Ukususela ngo-2023, izilungiso kwiSihlomelo II somgaqo we-REACH kumaphepha edatha yokhuseleko (SDSs) yaba sisinyanzelo. Oku kuthetha ukuba amashishini anxulumeneyo kufuneka ancamathele ikhowudi yokuchonga ifomula eyodwa (UFI) ikhowudi kwicandelo 1.1 leSDS yawo xa ethumela imixube kwi-EU. Imixube ehlangabezana neemeko ezithile kufuneka kwakhona igcwalise isaziso seziko letyhefu (PCN).

Ngaba uyifakile iKhowudi ye-UFI kwi-SDS yakho xa uthumela ngaphandle imixube kwi-EU? Funda ngokugqithisileyo "


I-Turkey ibhengezwe ngokusemthethweni ukuba yandise ixesha elimiselweyo loBhaliso lwe-KKDIK

NgoDisemba 23, 2023, iTurkey yazisa ngokusemthethweni ukuba yandise umhla wokugqibela wokubhaliswa kwe-KKDIK ngoDisemba 31, 2023, ukuya kuthi ga kwiminyaka esixhenxe, phakathi kwe-2026 kunye ne-2030 kuxhomekeke kwibhendi yeetoni kunye nokuhlelwa kweengozi. Kwangoko ngoNovemba, isicatshulwa esiyidrafti esicetywayo sokwandisa kancinci kancinci ixesha lokubhalisa le-KKDIK lingeniswe kwiNGO.

I-Turkey ibhengezwe ngokusemthethweni ukuba yandise ixesha elimiselweyo loBhaliso lwe-KKDIK Funda ngokugqithisileyo "


Five Chemicals Will Not Be Used for Food Packaging in the United States

The United States Congress has proposed to amend a bill, adding substances including PFAS, ortho-phthalates, bisphenols, styrene, and antimony trioxide as unsafe for use in food contact materials. As an increasing number of states have enacted their own regulations on food safety, the House of Representatives has proposed to introduce an Act cited as the “No Toxic in Food Packaging Act of 2023” on October 26. The Act aims to federally prohibit the use of certain compounds in Food Contact Materials(FCMs). Notably, there is an overlap with restrictions outlined in the previously introduced U.S. Plastic Act. After several rounds of intense debate, the Congress ultimately decided to designate the following substances deemed unsafe for use as food contact substances in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act which comes into effect two years after the date of enactment of this Act.

Five Chemicals Will Not Be Used for Food Packaging in the United States Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

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