Ikhaya » Izahlulo zaseLwandle kunye neZincedisi

Izahlulo zaseLwandle kunye neZincedisi

UkuSebenza koLwandle

I-Hypermotive kunye ne-Honda Isebenzisana kwi-X-M1 Hydrogen System yeMisebenzi yaseLwandle

Hypermotive Ltd. unveiled the X-M1, a platform for hydrogen fuel cell-based power generation tailored to marine applications. Developed in collaboration with Honda, and underpinned by Hypermotive’s SYSTEM-X technology, X-M1 is a scalable, modular, hydrogen fuel cell power system that makes clean energy transition more accessible and achievable for maritime operators….

I-Hypermotive kunye ne-Honda Isebenzisana kwi-X-M1 Hydrogen System yeMisebenzi yaseLwandle Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iinqanawa zemithwalo zihamba emanzini ajikeleze iSingapor

I-Fortescue iphawula ukusetyenziswa okokuqala kwe-ammonia njengeFuel yaseLwandle kwi-Dual-Fuel Vessel kwi-Port of Singapore

Fortescue, with the support of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), government agencies, research institutes, and industry partners, has successfully conducted the world’s first use of ammonia, in combination with diesel in the combustion process, as a marine fuel onboard the Singapore-flagged ammonia-powered vessel, the Fortescue Green Pioneer,…

I-Fortescue iphawula ukusetyenziswa okokuqala kwe-ammonia njengeFuel yaseLwandle kwi-Dual-Fuel Vessel kwi-Port of Singapore Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

Iinjini zangaphandle zaseYamaha ngasemva kwesikhephe esincinci esinenjini xa kuhambo

I-Yamaha ityhila i-Hydrogen-Powered Outboard enePrototype yeNkqubo yeFuel

I-Yamaha Motor yatyhila ibhodi yokuqala ye-hydrogen-powered ye-hydrogen yehlabathi kwizikhephe zokuzonwabisa kunye nenkqubo ye-fuel prototype edityaniswe kwinqanawa inkampani eceba ukuyicokisa ngakumbi ukuze ivavanywe kamva kulo nyaka. (Iposti yangaphambili.) Umzamo uyinxalenye yesicwangciso se-Yamaha sokufikelela ukungathathi hlangothi kwekhabhoni ngokuhambisa iteknoloji eninzi ...

I-Yamaha ityhila i-Hydrogen-Powered Outboard enePrototype yeNkqubo yeFuel Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

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