Izahlulo zemoto & nezincedisi

Pickup Truck connect to charing station on white background

GM Energy Rolls Out New Product Suite Offering Customers V2H

Available for the first time as part of its expanding product ecosystem, GM Energy’s initial offerings for residential customers will enable the use of vehicle-to-home (V2H) bidirectional charging technology to provide power from a compatible GM EV to a properly equipped home, helping to mitigate the negative impacts of weather-related…

GM Energy Rolls Out New Product Suite Offering Customers V2H Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

I-Ev logistic trailer ilori okanye ilori yemoto yombane kwisikhululo sokutshaja

I-ABB E-mobility kunye ne-MAN ibonisa iPrototype yokuTshaja kweMegawathi kwi-eTruck

ABB E-mobility and MAN Truck & Bus have demonstrated a prototype of the Megawatt Charging System (MCS); a MAN eTruck was charged with more than 700 kW and 1,000 A at an MCS charging station from ABB E-mobility. (Earlier post.) Especially in national and international long-distance transport or in loading…

I-ABB E-mobility kunye ne-MAN ibonisa iPrototype yokuTshaja kweMegawathi kwi-eTruck Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

I-Ev imoto okanye ibhetri yemoto yombane

I-EVgo Ivula iNdawo yokuQala yokuTshaja ngokukhawuleza kawonke-wonke isebenzisa iNdlela yokuQala

EVgo, one of the US’ largest public fast charging networks, opened its first fast charging station deployed using the company’s new prefabrication approach. Located at the Bay Colony Town Center in League City, TX, this EVgo station is the first of several slated to open this year leveraging prefabrication, which…

I-EVgo Ivula iNdawo yokuQala yokuTshaja ngokukhawuleza kawonke-wonke isebenzisa iNdlela yokuQala Funda ngokugqithisileyo "

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