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Ihydrogen eluhlaza

Umsinga weHydrojeni: EU UkuQhubela Phambili ngeeProjekthi zeH2

I-European Union iya kuqhubeka nokuqhubela phambili iiprojekthi ze-hydrogen, igxininise kuyilo lweziseko ezingundoqo kunye nokuxhasa imveliso ngezixhobo zaseYurophu, ngokutsho kuka-Ursula von der Leyen, umongameli weKhomishini yaseYurophu.

The Hydrogen Stream
Umfanekiso: pv magazine

I-European Union will continue its hydrogen initiatives, collaborating with offtakers to design infrastructure and supporting production using European-made equipment, according to Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission. She also said that investment in European hydrogen is expected to rise by 140% in 2024, with Europe contributing nearly one-third of global electrolyzer investments. The European Commission also plans to hold its second hydrogen auction, offering €1.2 billion ($1.29 billion) in funding, and the new executive body will present the Clean Industrial Deal in its first 100 days.

University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf said trust in project managers, risk/benefit perception, and experience with green hydrogen significantly affect the acceptance of green hydrogen plants. Their new study, published in Uphononongo lwamandla ahlaziyekayo kunye noZinzo, shows that information positively influences acceptance, while consultation has a contrary effect. The authors said that citizens are not opposed to hydrogen production and prefer information over participation, recommending that decision-makers create guidelines to maintain public trust.

I-BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) has opened a new laboratory in Hannover, Germany, to research platinum group metal (PGM)-containing catalysts for anodes and cathodes. The laboratory will focus on developing catalyst-coated membranes (CCMs) for water electrolysis, with a particular aim to create low-iridium catalysts. This research seeks to reduce iridium usage in proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, addressing both its scarcity and cost, while maintaining the electrolyzer’s efficiency and durability to make green hydrogen production more economically viable, said BASF.

Desfa, the Greek gas grid operator, has reportedly teamed up with five transmission operators from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia to develop a hydrogen transmission network stretching from Greece to Germany, according to Greek media reports.

The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (Arch2) has addressed concerns from community members in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Arch2 expressed hope that opponents will stay open to collaboration to address local needs and work toward a prosperous future for Appalachia.

Izisombululo ze-UL has certified Ohmium International’s industrial hydrogen generator, the first of its kind. The certification followed an evaluation of Ohmium’s proton exchange membrane electrolyzer module and systems – models LCC, LWC, LHC, LPC, LTC, and UIB – under UL 2264A, a standard that sets requirements for assessing the safety of water electrolysis hydrogen generators.

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