Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » I-Bundesnetzagentur Ibala Amandla Elanga Enyukayo Asondele Ku-85 GW Ngengaphezu kuka-2 GW Yengezwe Phakathi kuka-2M/2024
Uphahla olunama-solar panel

I-Bundesnetzagentur Ibala Amandla Elanga Enyukayo Asondele Ku-85 GW Ngengaphezu kuka-2 GW Yengezwe Phakathi kuka-2M/2024

  • Bundesnetzagentur says Germany installed 1.07 GW new solar PV capacity in February 2024 
  • It has also revised the January 2024 additions from 1.24 GW to now 1.42 GW 
  • EEG-backed rooftop solar additions came down by over 50% from the previous month 
  • Recently, the agency also released results for its 1st rooftop solar and solar for noise barriers auction, which was oversubscribed 

The German solar PV sector continued its GW-scale run in the month of February 2024, but dropped by almost 25% sequentially, according to the latest data released by the country’s Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur. At the end of the month, the country’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity reached 84.88 GW. 

The 1.071 GW of new registrations in February this year was well below the 1.423 GW the country brought online in January 2024. For the latter, this is a revised number from the 1.248 GW the agency previously announced (see Germany Kickstarts2024 With GW-Scale PV Installations). During 2M/2024, Germany has already installed 2.49 GW. 

The largest chunk in the reporting month came from 447.1 MW in the rooftop solar segment supported by EEG funding, down from 974.8 MW reported for the previous month. However, 383.1 MW from unsubsidized ground mounted facilities was a significant increase over January’s 110.3 MW. 

The EEG tender scheme for ground mounted projects helped bring in another 169 MW, down from 210.9 MW in January this year. 

Recently, the agency also declared results for the country’s rooftop solar and solar for noise barriers auction with a bidding deadline of February 1, 2024. It made the 1st of the 3 rooftop solar auctions the agency plans to launch this year. 

The tender was oversubscribed with 194 bids submitted for 378 MW against the 263 MW on offer. It finally picked 125 bids with 264 MW volume. 

Compared to the previous round, the winning bids declined to €0.069 to €0.0948 ($0.075 to $0.10)/kWh with a weighted average of €0.0892 ($0.096)/kWh. Tariffs for this round were capped at €0.105/kWh as the agency lowered it from the €0.1125/kWh in 2023 (see Germany Announces 1st Rooftop Solar Tender For 2024).  

The next round of auction for this category is scheduled for June 1, 2024. 

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