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solar panels factory

I-China PV Industry Brief: I-Beijian Energy Yokwakha Iseli ye-HJT, I-Module Factory

Beijian Energy says it will build a new factory to make heterojunction (HJT) solar cells and panels. The facility in Liaoning province will produce 4 GW of cells and 3 GW of PV modules.

Silicon heterojunction solar cell

Beijian Energy Development, based in Liaoning province, has unveiled plans to invest in a PV cell and module factory in the Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone, Inner Mongolia. With an estimated investment of around CNY 5 billion ($690.6 million), the facility will cover 270,000 square meters and house production lines capable of manufacturing 4 GW of heterojunction (HJT) cells and 3 GW of modules per year. Construction is set to commence in June 2024, with production scheduled to begin by December 2025.

Jolywood has secured the contract for the second phase of Zhejiang Energy Group’s household PV project with a pre-successful bid of CNY 2,756 million. The project is set to have a construction capacity ranging from 800 MWp to 2 GWp.

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