An anti-dumping duty represents a protectionist duty or tariff charged to imports being produced in a foreign country whose price is below the average domestic market value of comparable commodities. By imposing anti-dumping duties on foreign imports, the local trade regulating body judges the goods to be “dumped” in the local market – as a result of the low prices. Therefore, an anti-dumping duty is aimed at protecting domestic companies and markets against any unfair foreign competition.
Mayelana Umlobi
Ithimba iyinkundla ehamba phambili yokuhwebelana emhlabeni wonke esebenzela izigidi zabathengi nabaphakeli emhlabeni jikelele., amabhizinisi amancane angathengisa imikhiqizo yawo ezinkampanini zakwamanye amazwe. Abathengisi ngokuvamile bangabakhiqizi nabasabalalisi abazinze e-China nakwamanye amazwe akhiqizayo njenge-India, Pakistan, United States kanye ne-Thailand.