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Ungawakhetha Kanjani Ama-Shock Absorbers Wekhwalithi Wokuthengisa

Shock absorbers are the brains behind damping and absorbing impulses from cars. And this device works by converting and dispersing energy. No doubt, different car models use a variety of shock absorbers, but consumers prefer the quality option. And it’s because quality shock absorbers can draw up high-frequency energy effectively and last long. But before diving into how to stock up on quality variants, here’s a peep into the market size.

The market size of shock absorbers
Shock absorber: definition, application, & functions
Types of shock absorber
Factors to consider before buying vehicle shocks
Advantages and disadvantages of a shock absorber

The market size of shock absorbers

The global shock absorbers market is estimated to grow exponentially in the next eight years. 

The market was valued at US$12.52 billion in 2020. And it’s predicted to rise to US$21.07 billion ku-2030, amounting to a CAGR of 4.7%. In short, integrating shock absorbers with the right design and functionality ensures the smooth functioning of on-road and off-road cars. The major factor driving this market is the increased demand for a comfortable driving experience.

Shock absorber: definition, application, & functions 

A close view of an installed suspension system

What is a shock absorber?

A shock absorber protects vehicles against the impact of vibration, heavy bounce, or excess spring motion, which occurs when cars run on rough roads or climb bumps.  

These dampers work by converting kinetic energy generated from the car’s movement to thermal energy. For hydraulic shocks, the fluid runs through a narrow outlet. Then, the shocks create a hydraulic resistance that reduces the vehicle’s high motion while protecting the car from hazards.

With the aid of an auto shock absorber, it’s easy to have full control of a vehicle’s handling and smooth ride on rough roads. 

Application of shock absorbers

Shock absorbers play a key role in our everyday life. They serve as great support for certain critical human activities like biking, riding cars, and building structures like houses, highways, bridges, etc. In short, this idivayisi minimizes the impact of excess motion or vibration or natural disasters like heavy winds, earthquakes, etc. 

The side view of a Toyota shock absorber

Shocks are of various kinds with unique designs for different scenarios. For instance, rubber ukushaqeka are not ideal for off-roading.

Functions of shock absorbers 

The shock absorber’s primary function is to dampen excess spring motions in cars. Although car manufacturers are now enhancing auto designs and integrating systems that promote good speed and balanced motion, installing a shock system provides added advantage. Other functions of vehicle shocks are;

  • Shocks help to constantly set the tires in contact with the road, providing control of the wheel, brakes, wheel axles, etc.
  • They reduce distortions or unwanted spring motion.
  • The device delivers the safest and fastest brake feedback. 

Types of shock absorber

Telescopic shock absorbers 

The conventional telescopic shocks is a popular variant  located around the front and rear sides of the suspension system. An excellent example is the honda dio front ukushaqeka. Telescopic shocks are very affordable and easier to replace than repair. These dampers are classified into twin-tube or bi-tube (compatible with hydraulic configuration) and mono-tube dampers (for high-pressure gas shocks). The Twin-tube telescopic dampers are the commonly recognized telescopic tipper uhlelo. 

Further, the system contains a chamber with oil deposits and a piston that makes an upward and downward motion. As a result, oil travels through the valves, creating a defense against vibrations and bounces. 

Strut shock absorbers

A strut is mainly used on front-wheel-drive cars, but in some cases, it can be applied in rear-wheel-drive cars. They function by coupling the shock absorbers and coil springs into one assembly. And it takes over the upper control arm by linking up with the steering knuckle that connects to the lower control arm. 

Ngaphezu kwalokho, imivimbo control the coil spring’s motion and regulate the car weight for balance, as it’s moving on bumpy or rough roads. 

Spring seat shock absorbers

The spring seat shock absorber is a mix of both telescopic and strut dampers. For example, a spring is a single-unit damping device that can’t carry heavy side loads like structs. The spring seat utilizes the same components as the telescopic shock, and the components work separately to guard against bumps. In addition, this option functions as a cushion for reconciling the spring. This isigaba of spring-based shock absorbers primarily functions with the aid of a coil spring or a leaf spring.

A close view of an auto damper system

Factors to consider before buying vehicle shocks


They are myriads of affordable shock absorbers out there, but many have less quality and may be unsuitable for most vehicles. Buying and replacing a suspension system is not something that happens often, so it’s recommended that sellers purchase high-quality products that match most of their consumers’ vehicles. And most top-quality shock absorbers are pricey with generic names. Therefore, investing in quality shocks with a long service year that functions effectively is ideal.


Since shock absorbers work based on specific car designs, sellers should consider the car models of most of their customers to know the best shock absorbers to buy. Alternatively, sellers can stock up on shock absorbers of popular car models in high demand. 

Imikhiqizo enegama 

It’s easy to tell if a shock is genuine from how it looks. Unfortunately, bad shocks are mostly unbranded and cheap, with no warranty. And bad shocks may mess up a vehicle’s suspension setup. But branded shocks are pricey, with internationally accepted specifications and a decent warranty. 

An upclose view of a branded shock absorber

Further, sellers should avoid unpopular brands, as they may have uncertainties. 


Lapho uthenga i- shock for your business, it’s best to employ the services of an experienced mechanic, especially for first-time buyers. After all, shock absorbers come in various materials that sellers may find it hard to tell the durable ones.  

Advantages and disadvantages of a shock absorber


  • Kwethuka are designed in different styles and shapes to fit different car models.
  • They can withstand pressure, tension, compression, shearing, and the alteration of forces for a long time.
  • The device offers easy maintenance and replacement.
  • They can be easily installed and dismantled.
  • Shocks are effective in damping spring movement.
  • Shock absorbers are easy to maintain without sliding
  • They have excellent absorption power
  • The elasticity modulus in shock absorbers is low.


  • Shock absorbers hardly resist environmental pollution and temperature change. 
  • They require replacement after a while.
  • A shock absorber can’t attain a frequency of less than 5Hz.
  • When they go bad, some shocks can only be replaced (not fixed).


Shock absorbers are profitable, considering that most consumers replace the old ones to reduce the risk of having a hazard. But it’s essential to consider factors like the brands, price, materials, and design. Also, sellers with a big budget should consider investing in popular shock absorber brands with high-quality and decent warranties to boost sales.

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