Ngokwezibalo ezintsha ezivela ku-opharetha wegridi yenethiwekhi yaseJalimane, izwe lifinyelele ku-81.3 GW womthamo we-PV ofakiwe ekupheleni kukaDisemba.

Germany deployed 14.28 GW of new PV systems in 2023, according to the latest statistics released by the country’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur).
Germany’s new PV additions reached 7.19 GW in 2022, 5.26 GW in 2021, 3.94 GW in 2019, 2.96 GW in 2018, and 1.75 GW in 2017. At the end of December 2023, around 3.67 million PV systems were operating in Germany with a combined capacity of 81.3 GW.
The Bundesnetzagentur said that new PV additions for December totaled about 880 MW, which represents the worst performance registered for the whole of 2023. This is a significant monthly drop from October and November, when new capacity reached 1.37 GW and 1.25 GW, respectively.
Around 422.2 MW of the capacity deployed in November comes from PV systems up to 1 MW in size, operating under the country’s subsidy scheme.
About 109 MW of PV projects, awarded in Germany’s auctions, went online in December. However, this figure is considerably lower than those registered in October and November, when 538 MW and 390 MW were installed, respectively.
The statistics also show that a total of 5,993 solar systems with an output of 21.2 MW were dismantled last year. Most of them were in North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria.
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