Igama lombhali: Green Car Congress

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I-Toshiba kanye ne-MIKROE Bathuthukisa Ibhodi Lomshayeli Wesango Lezimoto Eligxile Ukuphepha le-Brushless Motors

I-Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH ibambisene ne-MIKROE ukuze ihlanganise i-IC yayo eqinile ye-TB9083FTG yomshayeli wesango ku-Brushless 30 Click, ibhodi elengeziwe elihlangene lokulawula okunembayo nokwethembekile kwamamotho e-brushless DC (BLDC) ezinhlelweni zezimoto. I-TB9083FTG kaToshiba yakhelwe ngokuhambisana ne-ISO 26262 (uhlelo lwesibili) kanye…

I-Toshiba kanye ne-MIKROE Bathuthukisa Ibhodi Lomshayeli Wesango Lezimoto Eligxile Ukuphepha le-Brushless Motors Funda kabanzi "

Amaloli e-Volvo Semi Tractor Trailer

I-Volvo Trucks Yethula Izinhlelo Zokuphepha Zesizukulwane Esilandelayo Ukuvikela Abahamba Ngezinyawo Nabahamba Ngebhayisikili

Volvo Trucks is introducing two safety systems focusing on protecting pedestrians and cyclists. Volvo Trucks continuously develops its active safety systems to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, all with the purpose of taking steps towards the company’s long-term vision of zero accidents involving Volvo trucks. The…

I-Volvo Trucks Yethula Izinhlelo Zokuphepha Zesizukulwane Esilandelayo Ukuvikela Abahamba Ngezinyawo Nabahamba Ngebhayisikili Funda kabanzi "


I-Lg Isixazululo Samandla Sokuhlinzeka Ngesizukulwane Esilandelayo Amabhethri angama-Cylindrical angu-4695 ku-Rivian; awu 67g

I-LG Energy Solution Arizona, inkampani ephethwe ngokugcwele ye-LG Energy Solution, isayine isivumelwano sokuhlinzeka no-Rivian. Ngaphansi kwesivumelwano, i-LG Energy Solution izohlinzeka u-Rivian ngamabhethri angama-cylindrical angu-4695 athuthukisiwe iminyaka engaphezu kwemihlanu, anesamba esingu-67GWh. Ngobubanzi obungu-46mm nobude obungama-95mm, isizukulwane esilandelayo…

I-Lg Isixazululo Samandla Sokuhlinzeka Ngesizukulwane Esilandelayo Amabhethri angama-Cylindrical angu-4695 ku-Rivian; awu 67g Funda kabanzi "

New arrivals, New Energy Vehicles, Vehicles & Transportation, New Energy Vehicles

Hyundai Launches INSTER A-Segment Sub-Compact EV, Not for US

Hyundai Motor launched its new INSTER A-segment sub-compact EV. INSTER stands out with its charging capability and versatile all-electric range (AER), providing customers with shorter charging times and the potential for longer travel distances. When charged at a DC high-power charging station that provides at least a 120-kW output, it…

Hyundai Launches INSTER A-Segment Sub-Compact EV, Not for US Funda kabanzi "

Umkhakha wezimoto

I-MIPS Ikhipha i-P8700 High-Performance AI-Enabled RISC-V Automotive CPU ye-ADAS kanye Nezimoto Ezizimelayo

I-MIPS, umthuthukisi we-IP compute cores esebenza kahle futhi elungisekayo, umemezele ukutholakala okujwayelekile (GA) kwe-MIPS P8700 Series RISC-V Processor. Idizayinelwe ukuhlangabezana nezidingo zokubambezeleka eziphansi, ukunyakaza kwedatha okunamandla kakhulu kwezinhlelo zokusebenza zezimoto ezithuthuke kakhulu njenge-ADAS kanye nezimoto ezizimele (AVs), i-P8700 iletha okuhamba phambili embonini...

I-MIPS Ikhipha i-P8700 High-Performance AI-Enabled RISC-V Automotive CPU ye-ADAS kanye Nezimoto Ezizimelayo Funda kabanzi "

isithuthuthu esakhiwe yi-Yamaha

I-Yamaha Motor Itshala imali ku-Electric Motion SAS

I-Yamaha Motor itshale imali enkampanini yaseFrance i-EV i-Electric Motion SAS, inkampani ethuthukisa futhi ikhiqize izithuthuthu zikagesi ezivivinyweni kanye nokugibela ngaphandle komgwaqo. Inhloso yalokhu kutshalwa kwezimali ukukhulisa ubukhona bazo zombili izinkampani emakethe yezithuthuthu zikagesi kanye nokuphenya ngamathuba atholakalayo…

I-Yamaha Motor Itshala imali ku-Electric Motion SAS Funda kabanzi "

Umbukiso esitolo se-air compressor entsha

I-Honda Yembula Injini Ye-V3 Nge-Compressor Kagesi

KwaHonda bethule injini yesithuthuthu engu-V3 yokuqala ene-compressor kagesi. Injini epholiswe ngamanzi engu-75-degree V3 isanda kuthuthukiswa izithuthuthu ezinkudlwana ezisuswayo, futhi yakhelwe ukuthi ibe mncane kakhulu futhi iminyene. Injini ye-V3 ene-compressor kagesi Ifaka i-compressor kagesi yokuqala emhlabeni yezithuthuthu, okuyi...

I-Honda Yembula Injini Ye-V3 Nge-Compressor Kagesi Funda kabanzi "

I-Mercedes-Benz Ivula Imboni Eyakhe Kabusha Yebhethri

Mercedes-Benz opened Europe’s first battery recycling plant with an integrated mechanical-hydrometallurgical process making it the first car manufacturer worldwide to close the battery recycling loop with its own in-house facility. Unlike existing established processes, the expected recovery rate of the mechanical-hydrometallurgical recycling plant is more than 96%. Valuable and scarce…

I-Mercedes-Benz Ivula Imboni Eyakhe Kabusha Yebhethri Funda kabanzi "


I-DOE: Ngaphezu Kwengxenye Yakho Konke Ukuthengiswa Kwe-Bev ne-Phev Kithi ngo-2023 Bekungama-SUV

In 2023, SUVs made up over half of all battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) sales, according to the US Department of Energy (DOE). Manufacturers now offer EVs in a wide range of vehicle classes. The small SUV category had the highest sales, but combined with…

I-DOE: Ngaphezu Kwengxenye Yakho Konke Ukuthengiswa Kwe-Bev ne-Phev Kithi ngo-2023 Bekungama-SUV Funda kabanzi "

Ford Mustang

2025 Ford Mustang Mach-E Yengeza New Standard Heat Pump, Automatic Lane Changes

Ford’s 2025 Mustang Mach-E adds a new standard heat pump, automatic lane changes using available BlueCruise 1.5 hands-free highway driving (earlier post) and a new Sport Appearance Package, all at an appealing price point and with zero vehicle emissions. For Premium model buyers seeking a sportier look, a new Sport…

2025 Ford Mustang Mach-E Yengeza New Standard Heat Pump, Automatic Lane Changes Funda kabanzi "


I-Kia Yethula Isesekeli Semoto Sokuqala Emhlabeni Esenziwe Ngokusetshenziswa Kwepulasitiki Esenziwe Kabusha Kusuka Ku-Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Kia Corporation (Kia) has developed the world’s first car accessory made from plastic extracted from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) by The Ocean Cleanup. Since 2022, Kia’s support of the non-profit organization, which is dedicated to developing and scaling technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic, has been…

I-Kia Yethula Isesekeli Semoto Sokuqala Emhlabeni Esenziwe Ngokusetshenziswa Kwepulasitiki Esenziwe Kabusha Kusuka Ku-Great Pacific Garbage Patch Funda kabanzi "


I-Volkswagen Ithuthukisa i-ID yango-2025. Isipiliyoni se-Buzz Nesivumelwano sokushaja se-Electrify America

Volkswagen of America announced its charging plan for the all-new, all-electric 2025 ID. Buzz, in collaboration with Electrify America. The 2025 ID. Buzz charging plan includes three years of Electrify America’s Pass+ membership, which offers members preferential per-kilowatt-hour (kWh) rates of about 25% savings compared to standard pay-as-you-go options, plus…

I-Volkswagen Ithuthukisa i-ID yango-2025. Isipiliyoni se-Buzz Nesivumelwano sokushaja se-Electrify America Funda kabanzi "


I-Audi Ithuthukisa Ngokuphawulekayo I-A3 Sportback Tfsi E Phev; Injini Entsha, Amandla Ebhethri Amakhulu, Ububanzi Obuningi

With a higher battery capacity, DC charging at fast-charging stations, and an electric range of up to 143 kilometers (89 miles), the Audi A3 Sportback TFSI e is undergoing a comprehensive technology upgrade. Its intelligent drive management ensures outstanding efficiency, high recuperation performance, and locally emission-free driving over long distances…

I-Audi Ithuthukisa Ngokuphawulekayo I-A3 Sportback Tfsi E Phev; Injini Entsha, Amandla Ebhethri Amakhulu, Ububanzi Obuningi Funda kabanzi "

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