Igama lombhali: Green Car Congress

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I-BMW Group Yandisa Ukuthengiswa Kwezimoto zikagesi zebhethri ngo-19.1% i-Gor First 9 Izinyanga zika-2024, YOY

In a globally challenging market, the BMW Group increased its sales of fully-electric vehicles by +19.1% in the first nine months of 2024, with a total of 294,054 BEVs delivered to customers (16.8% of total deliveries). During this period, BMW brand sales of fully-electric models rose by +22.6% to 266,151…

I-BMW Group Yandisa Ukuthengiswa Kwezimoto zikagesi zebhethri ngo-19.1% i-Gor First 9 Izinyanga zika-2024, YOY Funda kabanzi "


I-Lexus Yethula I-LX 700H Entsha Entsha Ehlanganisa Isistimu Entsha Ethuthukisiwe Ye-Hybrid

Lexus is bringing new enhancements to the LX and introducing the LX 700h, featuring the brand’s newly developed hybrid system. A phased rollout across various regions is scheduled to begin in late 2024. For the LX 700h, Lexus developed a new parallel hybrid system that prioritizes preserving the reliability, durability,…

I-Lexus Yethula I-LX 700H Entsha Entsha Ehlanganisa Isistimu Entsha Ethuthukisiwe Ye-Hybrid Funda kabanzi "


I-Nissan Yembula I-Magnite Entsha e-India Ngokugxila Kwezinto Ezithunyelwa ngaphandle

AbakwaNissan bethule iSUV entsha iMagnite compact SUV yaseNdiya, lapho izokhiqizwa futhi idayiswe khona. I-Magnite, eyethulwe ekuqaleni ngoDisemba 2020, isisungule ubukhona obuqinile e-India futhi isizuze ukuthengiswa okuqongelelekayo kwamayunithi angaphezu kuka-150,000 kulo lonke elaseNdiya nezimakethe zamazwe ngamazwe. Imodeli entsha ihlanganisa ukushelela…

I-Nissan Yembula I-Magnite Entsha e-India Ngokugxila Kwezinto Ezithunyelwa ngaphandle Funda kabanzi "


AbakwaHyundai kanye ne-Waymo Bangena Iminyaka Eminingi, Ubambiswano Lwesu Lokunikeza Ukushayela Okuzenzakalelayo kuma-Ioniq 5s

Hyundai Motor Company and Waymo entered into a multi-year, strategic partnership. In the first phase of this partnership, the companies will integrate Waymo’s sixth-generation fully autonomous technology—the Waymo Driver—into Hyundai’s all-electric IONIQ 5 SUV, which will be added to the Waymo One fleet over time. The IONIQ 5 vehicles destined…

AbakwaHyundai kanye ne-Waymo Bangena Iminyaka Eminingi, Ubambiswano Lwesu Lokunikeza Ukushayela Okuzenzakalelayo kuma-Ioniq 5s Funda kabanzi "

ukushayela emgwaqeni

IVolkswagen Yethula iTayron eYurophu; Amamodeli e-Phev anobubanzi obungaphezu kuka-100 KM kagesi

KwaVolkswagen bethule iTayron SUV entsha eYurophu; iVolkswagen SUV enkulu enezihlalo ezinhlanu noma ozikhethela eziyisikhombisa ibekwe phakathi kweTouareg (premium class) neTiguan (mid-class). Isamba sezinhlelo zokushayela eziyisikhombisa zizotholakala maduze. Ububanzi buhlanganisa izimoto ezimbili ezihlanganisa isizukulwane esilandelayo se-plug-in hybrid (eHybrid).

IVolkswagen Yethula iTayron eYurophu; Amamodeli e-Phev anobubanzi obungaphezu kuka-100 KM kagesi Funda kabanzi "

Ibhasi likagesi

I-Toshiba, i-Rinko Bus kanye ne-Drive Electro to Demo Electric Bus With Super-Rapid 10-Minutes Sharging

Toshiba Corporation has agreed with Kawasaki Tsurumi Rinko Bus Co., Ltd. (Rinko Bus) and Drive Electro Technology Co., Ltd. (Drive Electro Technology) jointly to study a demonstration project to confirm the effectiveness of a super-rapid charging battery powered by a pantograph. The project is expected to start operation in November…

I-Toshiba, i-Rinko Bus kanye ne-Drive Electro to Demo Electric Bus With Super-Rapid 10-Minutes Sharging Funda kabanzi "

isihlukanisi sebhethri

I-24M Ikhipha Imiphumela Emisha Yokuhlola Ye-Impervio Battery Separator

I-24M isanda kukhipha imiphumela emisha yokuhlola yesihlukanisi sayo sebhethri esishintshayo—i-Impervio—ebhekana nokukhathazeka okukhulayo kokuphepha kwebhethri ezimotweni zikagesi (EV), izinhlelo zokugcina amandla (ESS) kanye nezicelo zabathengi (okuthunyelwe kwangaphambilini). Idatha entsha ihambisana nokukhathazeka okukhulayo ngemuva kokusha kwamabhethri kwakamuva e-United States nakwamanye amazwe. I-Impervio, imenyezelwe…

I-24M Ikhipha Imiphumela Emisha Yokuhlola Ye-Impervio Battery Separator Funda kabanzi "

imoto yevolvo

Ukudayiswa Kwezimoto ZakwaVolvo Global kukhuphuke ngo-1% ngoSepthemba; Ukuthengiswa Kwemodeli Enamandla kukhuphuke ngo-43% YOY

I-Volvo Cars ibike ukudayiswa kwezimoto ezingu-62,458 emhlabeni jikelele ngoSepthemba, okukhuphuke ngo-1% uma kuqhathaniswa nesikhathi esifanayo ngonyaka odlule. Ukuthengiswa kwenkampani kwamamodeli afakwe ugesi—amamodeli asebenza ngogesi ngokugcwele nama-plug-in hybrid—kukhule ngo-43% uma kuqhathaniswa nesikhathi esifanayo ngonyaka odlule futhi kwenze u-48% wazo zonke izimoto ezidayiswe ngoSepthemba. Isabelo se…

Ukudayiswa Kwezimoto ZakwaVolvo Global kukhuphuke ngo-1% ngoSepthemba; Ukuthengiswa Kwemodeli Enamandla kukhuphuke ngo-43% YOY Funda kabanzi "

I-VW ID.7 Pro S Ikhava u-794 KM Ekushajeni Kwebhethri Elodwa Nebhethri engu-86-Kwh (Net)

Ukushayela i-ID esebenza ngogesi wonke entsha.7 Pro S, Ithimba lakwaVolkswagen laseSwitzerland eliholwa umholi wephrojekthi u-Felix Egolf, uchwepheshe wokushayela amabanga amade ngezimoto zikagesi, uhambe ngempumelelo ingqikithi yamakhilomitha angu-794 (493.4 miles) ngokushajwa kwebhethri elilodwa ngesikhathi sokushayela senetha esingamahora angu-15 nemizuzu engu-42….

I-VW ID.7 Pro S Ikhava u-794 KM Ekushajeni Kwebhethri Elodwa Nebhethri engu-86-Kwh (Net) Funda kabanzi "

I-Volkswagen Group

I-Volkswagen Group of America Ivula ihabhu elisha le-Gulf Coast eFreeport, eTexas

IVolkswagen Group of America (VWGoA) ivule indawo entsha yechweba ePort Freeport eTexas. I-Port Freeport izongenisa futhi isebenze izimoto ezifika ku-140,000 zakwaVolkswagen, i-Audi, i-Bentley, i-Lamborghini, ne-Porsche, isekela cishe abathengisi abangama-300 e-United States Emaphakathi naseNtshonalanga. Ngemuva kokuhlanganisa izindawo ezimbili ezincane…

I-Volkswagen Group of America Ivula ihabhu elisha le-Gulf Coast eFreeport, eTexas Funda kabanzi "


Ukudayiswa Kwezimoto Ezisebenza Kagesi KwaToyota September Kwedlule Ku-48% Wengqikithi Yokudayisa; Ukuthengisa Sekukonke Kwehle ngo-20.3%

I-Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) ibike ukuthi izimoto ezingu-162,595 zaseMelika zithengisiwe ngo-September, zehle ngo-20.3% ngevolumu futhi zehle ngo-9.9% ngesilinganiso sokudayisa nsuku zonke (DSR) uma kuqhathaniswa noSepthemba 2023. Ukuthengiswa kwezimoto ezifakwe ugesi zangoSepthemba ezihlanganisa ama-hybrids, ama-plug-in hybrids, ugesi ongahlanzekile nama-fuel cell angu-48.4%.

Ukudayiswa Kwezimoto Ezisebenza Kagesi KwaToyota September Kwedlule Ku-48% Wengqikithi Yokudayisa; Ukuthengisa Sekukonke Kwehle ngo-20.3% Funda kabanzi "

Mitsubishi Motors

I-Mitsubishi Motors Yethula Okubuyekeziwe I-Outlander Phev; I-Flagship Model Ibuyela e-Europe ngeNtwasahlobo ka-2025

IMitsubishi Motors ibuyekeze uhlobo lwe-plug-in hybrid electric car (PHEV) ye-Outlander crossover SUV yase iqala ukukhonjiswa e-Europe. Imodeli entsha izotholakala kuma-showrooms e-Japan kulokhu kukwindla nasemazweni angama-20 ase-Europe entwasahlobo ka-2025. Ukubuyekezwa kwemodeli kaphethiloli kuhlelwe ukuthi kulandelwe…

I-Mitsubishi Motors Yethula Okubuyekeziwe I-Outlander Phev; I-Flagship Model Ibuyela e-Europe ngeNtwasahlobo ka-2025 Funda kabanzi "


KwaFord Debuts Ranger Phev at Iaa Transportation

Kwa-IAA Transportation ngoSepthemba, abakwaFord baveze i-Ranger PHEV pickup yemakethe yaseYurophu. Imodeli entsha inikezela ngokudonsa okugcwele kwe-Ranger, ukulayishwa okukhokhelwayo nokusebenza ngaphandle komgwaqo ngekhono lokushayela ngogesi kuphela. I-Ranger PHEV inikezela ngetorque engafika ku-690 N·m—okuningi kakhulu kunanoma iyiphi i-Ranger yokukhiqiza—kanye nebanga lokushayela le-EV kuphela…

KwaFord Debuts Ranger Phev at Iaa Transportation Funda kabanzi "


I-Audi of America Imemezela Amanani Nezicaciso Zolayini Wemodeli Ye-Q6 E-Tron Entsha Ehlanganisa Imodeli Entsha Ye-Rwd

I-Audi of America ikhiphe amanani aphelele kanye nemininingwane yolayini wemodeli ye-e-tron entsha ka-2025 Q6 futhi yamemezela ukuthi enye i-range-leading rear-wheel-drive (RWD) eyengeziwe izojoyina uhla lwayo ngaphambi kokuphela konyaka. Ngalesi simemezelo, i-Audi izoba nezimoto zikagesi ezihlukene eziyi-11 ezitholakalayo kuyo yonke…

I-Audi of America Imemezela Amanani Nezicaciso Zolayini Wemodeli Ye-Q6 E-Tron Entsha Ehlanganisa Imodeli Entsha Ye-Rwd Funda kabanzi "

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