Igama lombhali: Green Car Congress

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I-Industrial Hemp

I-Volkswagen Partners With Revoltech Gmbh kokuthi Izinto Ezisimeme Ezisekelwe Ku-Industrial Hemp

I-Volkswagen ingene ekusebenzisaneni nenkampani yaseJalimane yokuqalisa i-Revoltech GmbH evela e-Darmstadt ukuze icwaninge futhi ithuthukise izinto ezisimeme ezisekelwe ku-hemp yezimboni. Lezi zingasetshenziswa njengento eqhubekayo engaphezulu kumamodeli akwaVolkswagen kusukela ngo-2028. Izinto ezenziwe nge-hemp esekelwe ku-bio-based engu-100% zisebenzisa izinsalela zesifunda…

I-Volkswagen Partners With Revoltech Gmbh kokuthi Izinto Ezisimeme Ezisekelwe Ku-Industrial Hemp Funda kabanzi "

I-Silicon Battery Material

I-GROUP14 Idiliva Okubalulekile Kwebhethri Le-Silicon Okuthuthukisiwe Kumakhasimende Angaphezu Kwe-100 Emhlabeni Wonke Kusuka Ev-Scale Factory

I-Group14 Technologies, umkhiqizi omkhulu emhlabeni wonke nomnikezeli wezinto zebhethri le-silicon ethuthukisiwe, ithumela impahla yayo ye-SCC55, ekhiqizwe efektri ye-EV-scale joint venture (JV) eseSangju, eNingizimu Korea. I-Group14 isiqedile ukuthunyelwa kumakhasimende akhiqiza amabhethri angaphezu kwe-100 kagesi (EV) kanye nabathengi be-electronics (CE)…

I-GROUP14 Idiliva Okubalulekile Kwebhethri Le-Silicon Okuthuthukisiwe Kumakhasimende Angaphezu Kwe-100 Emhlabeni Wonke Kusuka Ev-Scale Factory Funda kabanzi "

Ingqalasizinda yokushaja ye-EV yomhlaba wonke

Ingqalasizinda yokushaja ye-EV yomhlaba wonke idinga ukukhula ngaphezu kwama-500% ngo-2030; I-Konect Iphakamisa Ukubheka Kubathengisi Abakhona Bamafutha

Izimakethe ezibalulekile kushintsho lwemoto kagesi (EV) zisemuva ezinhlosweni zazo ezishiwo zengqalasizinda eshaja umphakathi, ngokwezibalo zakamuva zoSuku Lomhlaba Lwe-EV. Imininingwane iveza ukuthi i-US, i-Europe kanye ne-UK zingemuva izikhathi ezingaphezu kweziyisithupha kwinani lamapulaki adingekayo ukuze kuhlangatshezwane…

Ingqalasizinda yokushaja ye-EV yomhlaba wonke idinga ukukhula ngaphezu kwama-500% ngo-2030; I-Konect Iphakamisa Ukubheka Kubathengisi Abakhona Bamafutha Funda kabanzi "


I-Nissan Yembula I-Seventh-Generation Patrol With V6 Twin-Turbo

AbakwaNissan bethule iNissan Patrol entsha, ezotholakala kunethiwekhi yozakwethu bakwaNissan e-UAE, Saudi Arabia kanye nesifunda esibanzi saseMpumalanga Ephakathi, emcimbini ose-Abu Dhabi. Ithula intuthuko eminingana okuhlanganisa idizayini entsha, injini enamandla ye-V6 twin-turbo, engu-9-speed automatic transmission kanye ne-adaptive…

I-Nissan Yembula I-Seventh-Generation Patrol With V6 Twin-Turbo Funda kabanzi "


I-Hyundai Iqala Ngathi-Esakhiwe ngo-2025 Ioniq 5 Range; Amandla Ebhethri Anyusiwe, Ibanga Lokushayela, nezici Ezintsha

Hyundai announced the release of the refreshed 2025 IONIQ 5, including a rugged new IONIQ 5 XRT variant. The expanded lineup offers more driving range and features, resulting in improved convenience, performance and safety. The IONIQ 5 will be the first model range manufactured at the new Hyundai Motor Group…

I-Hyundai Iqala Ngathi-Esakhiwe ngo-2025 Ioniq 5 Range; Amandla Ebhethri Anyusiwe, Ibanga Lokushayela, nezici Ezintsha Funda kabanzi "

Amabhethri weLithium-Ion

I-Subaru kanye ne-Panasonic Energy Zizoqala Ukulungiselela Ukunikezwa Kwezimo Zebhethri ze-Lithium-Ion kanye Nokusungulwa Ngokuhlanganyela Kwemboni Yebhethri Entsha e-Japan

Subaru Corporation and Panasonic Energy, a Panasonic Group Company, plan to prepare for the supply of automotive lithium-ion batteries and joint establishment of a new battery factory in Oizumi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Panasonic Energy will supply its next-generation cylindrical automotive lithium-ion batteries for the battery electric vehicles (BEVs) Subaru plans…

I-Subaru kanye ne-Panasonic Energy Zizoqala Ukulungiselela Ukunikezwa Kwezimo Zebhethri ze-Lithium-Ion kanye Nokusungulwa Ngokuhlanganyela Kwemboni Yebhethri Entsha e-Japan Funda kabanzi "

Beamspot Curbside EV Charging Product

I-Beam Global Yethula Umugqa Womkhiqizo Wokushaja we-Beamspot Curbside EV

Beam Global, a provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, launched the patented BeamSpot sustainable curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure system. The streetlight replacement combines solar, wind and utility-generated electricity into Beam Global’s proprietary integrated batteries to provide resiliency, lighting and…

I-Beam Global Yethula Umugqa Womkhiqizo Wokushaja we-Beamspot Curbside EV Funda kabanzi "


Hyundai Motor Company and šKoda Group To Collaborate on Hydrogen Advancement and Energy Efficient Solutions for Mobility

Hyundai Motor Company and Škoda Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to commence collaboration on establishing a hydrogen mobility ecosystem. The MOU covers study on adoption of hydrogen fuel cell systems and technologies, study on adoption of energy efficient solutions for mobility projects and products, and exploring hydrogen…

Hyundai Motor Company and šKoda Group To Collaborate on Hydrogen Advancement and Energy Efficient Solutions for Mobility Funda kabanzi "

Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape

BMW, Ford and Honda Begin Operations of Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape

BMW, Ford and Honda have begun operations of the new joint venture that they announced last year and have appointed the first CEO and CTO. ChargeScape is a software platform that integrates electric vehicles (EVs) into the power grid, shoring up grid stability while saving drivers money on their charging….

BMW, Ford and Honda Begin Operations of Vehicle-Grid Integration JV Chargescape Funda kabanzi "


Toyota Introduces Smart Technology To Optimize EV Range With New Toyota C-Hr Plug-in Hybrid 220

The new Toyota C-HR Plug-in Hybrid 220 uses innovative technology to make smart decisions which improve real-world driving efficiency. For downtown driving, the new Toyota C-HR Plug-in Hybrid 220 uses a combination of hardware and software innovations to achieve an EV range to match European customer needs. When used exclusively…

Toyota Introduces Smart Technology To Optimize EV Range With New Toyota C-Hr Plug-in Hybrid 220 Funda kabanzi "


I-Geely Bonisa i-EX5 Global Electric SUV e-Frankfurt

I-Geely Auto yase-China yakhangisa ngemodeli yayo entsha yomhlaba wonke, i-Geely EX5, ngo-2024 i-Automechanika Frankfurt. Idizayinelwe ukubhekelela izimakethe zamazwe ngamazwe ezihlukene, i-EX5 yakhelwe ku-Geely Electric Architecture (GEA) futhi ihlanganisa umklamo omncane ongaheha abasebenzisi emhlabeni wonke. Itholakala kokubili kwesokunxele nakwesokudla...

I-Geely Bonisa i-EX5 Global Electric SUV e-Frankfurt Funda kabanzi "


I-Volvo Ce Isungula Izinsiza Ezintsha Zokweseka Ukukhiqizwa Kwezilayishi Zamasondo Kagesi

IVolvo CE yethule izikhungo ezintsha zokusekela ukukhiqizwa kwezilayishi zamasondo kagesi embonini yayo e-Arvika, eSweden. Isakhiwo esise-Arvika siyintuthuko yakamuva yesiza saseSweden esisebenza ngokukhethekile ekukhiqizeni izilayishi zamasondo eziphakathi nendawo ezinkulu. Ilinganisa cishe u-1,500 sq m futhi yakhiwe ngaphansi kwe...

I-Volvo Ce Isungula Izinsiza Ezintsha Zokweseka Ukukhiqizwa Kwezilayishi Zamasondo Kagesi Funda kabanzi "


I-Hyundai kanye ne-GM Sign Memorandamu Yokuqonda Ukuhlola Ukubambisana Ezimotweni, Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Ngempahla kanye Nobuchwepheshe Bamandla Ahlanzekile

IGeneral Motors neHyundai Motor basayine isivumelwano sokuhlola ukusebenzisana esikhathini esizayo kuzo zonke izindawo ezibalulekile zamasu. AbakwaGM kanye nabakwaHyundai bazobheka izindlela zokusebenzisa isikali esihambisanayo namandla abo ukuze banciphise izindleko futhi balethe uhla olubanzi lwezimoto nobuchwepheshe kumakhasimende ngokushesha. Amaphrojekthi wokubambisana okungenzeka aphakathi…

I-Hyundai kanye ne-GM Sign Memorandamu Yokuqonda Ukuhlola Ukubambisana Ezimotweni, Uchungechunge Lokuhlinzeka Ngempahla kanye Nobuchwepheshe Bamandla Ahlanzekile Funda kabanzi "

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