Ngemininingwane: Ukuthunyelwa Kwempahla Yase-UK Yehla Emthelela Omubi we-EU-UK Trade Deal
A study by Aston University found the negative impacts of the UK-EU Trade Agreement on apparel have worsened over time.
A study by Aston University found the negative impacts of the UK-EU Trade Agreement on apparel have worsened over time.
Data by Unleashed shows small and mid-sized clothing, footwear and accessories manufacturers saw a 2.7% increase in profitability in Q2 2024
Ngedatha: Umhlinzeki Wezingubo wase-UK Uzuza ngo-2.7% Naphezu Kokwehla Okubanzi Funda kabanzi "
Just Style does a deep dive into July's US apparel import figures to learn which sourcing countries are winning, which are losing, and why.
Umchazi: I-Sourcing Diversification Kuyasikhokhela Imikhiqizo Yezimpahla Nezitolo Funda kabanzi "
Just Style explores the underconsumption trend and how the backlash against excessive shopping hauls could change how consumers shop fashion.
Explainer: Underconsumption Core’s Impact on Fast Fashion Funda kabanzi "
A Globaldata report shows growth in the German apparel market is expected to remain slow in 2024 as shoppers shift to sustainable fashion.
In Data: German Apparel Market Slows as Consumers Choose Secondhand Funda kabanzi "
New data shows leather footwear leads in export value, while rubber and plastic footwear dominate volume in the global footwear market.
In Data: Leather Footwear Tops Export Value While Rubber, Plastic Lead Volume Funda kabanzi "
A new report explains how demographic shifts will change fashion retail in the coming years, as Gen Z embrace secondhand and ultra-fast.
Explainer: How New Demographics Will Change Apparel Retail in Future Funda kabanzi "
An explosion of digital shopping platforms is fuelling overconsumption say experts, but there is a way to strike a balance.
Explainer: Is Convenience Shopping Fuelling Fashion Over-Consumption? Funda kabanzi "
As M&S launches adaptive clothing, experts explain why listening to target consumers is critical to getting this niche market right.
Explainer: How To Navigate the Lucrative Adaptive Apparel Market Funda kabanzi "
There is growing demand for more transparency in the fashion supply chain and to re-evaluate the manufacturing process in future.
Explainer: Fashion’s Future Depends on Changing the Manufacture Process Funda kabanzi "
Just Style investigates what’s behind the sportswear slowdown and what sports brands need to do to overcome it.
Explainer: Is Consumers’ Sportswear Obsession Finally Over? Funda kabanzi "
New research finds that brand loyalty remains as 55% of UK consumers engage with their preferred brands, despite ongoing economic challenges.
In Data: UK Consumers Maintain Brand Loyalty Despite Reduced Spending Funda kabanzi "
Two industry explore the challenges facing the fashion industry as the sector tackles sustainability issues alongside tighter budgets.
Explainer: Does Fashion Have To Choose Between Profit and Sustainability? Funda kabanzi "
The German fashion market grew 4.1% in 2023 with fashion retail giants Zara and Shein dominating market share.
In Data: Zara, Shein Dominate German Fashion Market Funda kabanzi "
Fashion emerges as a key spending category for Gen Z with the demographic projected to spend £4.3bn ($5.5bn) on back-to-school essentials.
In Data: Fashion Set for £1.5bn Boost as Gen Z Prepares for New Academic Year Funda kabanzi "