Packaging in 2023: Trends That Shaped the Year
GlobalData analysis of 2023 trends shows that packaging companies are grappling with new technologies and environmental requirements.
Packaging in 2023: Trends That Shaped the Year Funda kabanzi "
GlobalData analysis of 2023 trends shows that packaging companies are grappling with new technologies and environmental requirements.
Packaging in 2023: Trends That Shaped the Year Funda kabanzi "
The packaging industry in 2023 was defined by bold strategic moves, reflecting a concerted effort among industry giants to navigate challenges, leverage opportunities, and position themselves for a future shaped by innovation and sustainability.
Packaging Industry Shifts: A Roundup of the Biggest Deals in 2023 Funda kabanzi "
GlobalData analyst Caroline Pinto discusses key topics around artificial intelligence for the packaging industry.
AI in Packaging: Q&A With Globaldata Thematic Analyst Funda kabanzi "
GlobalData’s thematic intelligence has identified the top themes packaging industry leaders must be well acquainted with in 2024.
Beyond its traditional role of safeguarding products, packaging is now a canvas for creativity and innovation across the industry.
A Sneak Peek Into the Future of Packaging Innovations Funda kabanzi "
Kusukela emaphaketheni alwa nokungcoliswa kwepulasitiki kuya emaphaketheni adliwayo, lezi zixazululo zivikela iplanethi futhi zithuthukise ulwazi lwabathengi.
Izindlela Ezinhlanu Zokupakisha Okuhlaza Okuhlaza kwama-oda we-E-Commerce Funda kabanzi "
SSPP is revolutionising packaging, reducing plastic waste, embracing tech, and leaving an impact on businesses, consumers, and the planet.
Sustainable Smart Plastic Packaging Redefines Industry Norms Funda kabanzi "
While hygiene and shelf life are still paramount, they are joined by concerns about changing the environmental impact of packaging.
Ukushintsha Ubuso Bokupakisha Kusukela Kubhubhane Funda kabanzi "
Industrial packaging plays a vital role in various industry supply chains. The global industrial packaging market is poised for growth in the coming years.
Amathrendi, Izinselele, Namathuba Ekupakishweni Kwezimboni Zesikhathi Sanamuhla Funda kabanzi "
Despite growing concerns about the environment, US consumers still prioritise price, quality, and convenience when making purchasing decisions.
US Consumers’ Shifting Preferences on Sustainable Packaging Funda kabanzi "
Amidst glass shortages, wine producers are adopting re-use to transform packaging, curbing waste and carbon emissions.
Wine Packaging: Embracing Re-Use Amid Challenges Funda kabanzi "
References to individualism and expression within packaging industry filings have not grown like those to e-commerce and digitalisation.
Signal: Brands, Consumers in Step on Digitalisation, Not Personalisation Funda kabanzi "