Igama lombhali: pv magazine

i-pv magazine iwumagazini wezohwebo we-photovoltaic ohamba phambili kanye newebhusayithi eyethulwa ehlobo lika-2008. Ngokubika okuzimele, okugxile kubuchwepheshe, umagazini we-pv ugxile ezindabeni zakamuva zelanga, kanye nezitayela zobuchwepheshe kanye nentuthuko yemakethe yomhlaba wonke.

pv umagazini
New Solar panel on the roof

I-Rooftop PV Ukudlula Zonke Izinto Ezivuselelwayo e-Australia, kusho izimakethe zamandla aluhlaza

A new report by Green Energy Markets (GEM) to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) confirms the future domination of rooftop solar and battery storage in Australia, with a projected cumulative PV capacity potential of 66 GW to 98.5 GW by 2054.

I-Rooftop PV Ukudlula Zonke Izinto Ezivuselelwayo e-Australia, kusho izimakethe zamandla aluhlaza Funda kabanzi "

Amaphaneli elanga ophahleni eCalifornia

I-California Angeke Ifinyelele Izinhloso Zamandla Ahlanzekile Ngaphandle KweSolar Yophahla

Imboni yelanga elisophahleni lwaseCalifornia ichitha ngokushesha imisebenzi futhi ilahlekelwa yizinkampani ngenxa yokuqothuka ngenxa yezinguquko zenqubomgomo. I-California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA) iphakamise izinguquko ezithile zenqubomgomo eziseduze ukuze kubambezele ukopha.

I-California Angeke Ifinyelele Izinhloso Zamandla Ahlanzekile Ngaphandle KweSolar Yophahla Funda kabanzi "

ukukhiqizwa kwamandla elanga-yehlile-kuko konke-okukhulu-eu

Ukukhiqizwa Kwamandla Elanga Kwehle Kuzo Zonke Izimakethe Ezinkulu ZaseYurophu Ngeviki Lesithathu lika-Okthoba

Esontweni lesithathu lika-Okthoba, amanani emakethe kagesi aseYurophu ayezinzile, nokuthambekela okukhuphukayo ezimweni eziningi uma kuqhathaniswa nesonto eledlule. Kodwa-ke, emakethe ye-MIBEL, izintengo zehla ngenxa yokukhiqizwa kwamandla omoya aphezulu, okufinyelele irekhodi laso sonke isikhathi ePortugal kanye nenani eliphakeme kakhulu kuze kube manje ngo-2023 eSpain.

Ukukhiqizwa Kwamandla Elanga Kwehle Kuzo Zonke Izimakethe Ezinkulu ZaseYurophu Ngeviki Lesithathu lika-Okthoba Funda kabanzi "


I-US Solar Sites Exhunywe Kumazinga Aphakeme Ezinambuzane

Scientists conducting a five-year research project in southern Minnesota have observed a tripling of insect numbers near two solar facilities built on rehabilitated agricultural land. They say the findings show how habitat-friendly solar could help protect insect populations and improve pollination in nearby agricultural fields.

I-US Solar Sites Exhunywe Kumazinga Aphakeme Ezinambuzane Funda kabanzi "

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