UK Retail Sales Grow 1% Yoy in August 2024
Retail sales in the UK increased by 1% year on year in August 2024, a slowdown compared to the 4.1% growth seen in August 2023
Retail sales in the UK increased by 1% year on year in August 2024, a slowdown compared to the 4.1% growth seen in August 2023
Amazon has announced the UK launch of Rufus, a generative AI-powered conversational shopping assistant designed to revolutionise the online shopping experience.
Amazon Launches AI Shopping Assistant Rufus in the UK Funda kabanzi "
In today’s competitive retail landscape, most retailers have adopted a multi-brand strategy that provides a one-stop shopping experience for their customers. However, managing multiple brands can come with its own set of unique challenges.
Izindlela Ezine Abathengisi Abangengeza Ngayo Imikhiqizo Emisha Kalula Funda kabanzi "
Amabhrendi aya ngokuya amukela zonke iziteshi ezingaba khona - kusukela kuma-imeyili kuya kuma-chatbots, izingcingo zezwi kuya kunkomfa ngevidiyo - ukuxhumana namakhasimende, ukuthuthukisa uhambo olusuka ekupheleni, nokuletha okuhlangenwe nakho okucebisayo kwezitolo ze-omnichannel.
Ukuphakamisa Ukuthengisa Ngokwenza Okuthandwa Nguwe Omnichannel Funda kabanzi "
As parents across the UK gear up for the back-to-school season, retailers are facing increasing pressure to offer competitive prices amidst a backdrop of ongoing cost-cutting measures by consumers.
Retailers Must Prioritise Price Messaging To Win Back-To-School Market Funda kabanzi "
Ian Cairns, Sales Director at TalkTalk Business, explores how AI-driven data collection is transforming high street retail.
Is the High Street Prepared for In-Store Customer Analytics? Funda kabanzi "
UK retail sales experienced an increase of 0.5% year on year (YoY) in July 2024, a slight deceleration from the 1.5% growth in July 2023.
UK Total Retail Sales Increased by 0.5% YoY in July 2024 Funda kabanzi "
Luke Hilton of Marketplacer highlights the role of online marketplaces in fostering customer loyalty and sales.
Why Customer Loyalty Is Key To Building Online Marketplaces Funda kabanzi "
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris have brought an increase in business for French retailers, with Visa data revealing a significant surge in consumer spending during the opening weekend of the event.
Izitolo zase-US zisheshisa ukuthunyelwa kwazo ngamaholide ezweni ngenhloso yokunciphisa ukuphazamiseka okungenzeka okudalwe isiteleka samachweba esisondelayo kanye nezinselelo eziqhubekayo ze-supply chain, kubika i-Reuters.
E-commerce marketplace eBay has announced revenue of $2.57bn in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, up 1% on an as-reported basis.
I-eBay Ibika ngo-1% Ukukhula Sensalela Yemali Engenayo ku-Q2 FY24 Funda kabanzi "
The push for sustainable packaging in Europe is gaining momentum, driven by a combination of consumer demand, environmental awareness, and regulatory pressures.
Lokho Abathengisi BaseYurophu Okufanele Bakwazi Ngokupakishwa Okuqhubekayo Funda kabanzi "
E-commerce giant Amazon has reported a 10% increase in net sales in the second quarter of the fiscal year 2024 (Q2 FY24).
Amazon Reports 10% Increase in Net Sales in Q2 FY24 Funda kabanzi "
Amazon has reached unprecedented delivery speeds for its Prime members in the US, UK, and across Europe, setting a new record with more than five billion items delivered the same or next day so far this year.
I-Amazon Ifinyelela Isivinini Sokulethwa Kwerekhodi Kwamalungu Ayinhloko Funda kabanzi "
Discover how retail can maximize AI chatbots to boost customer experience, streamline operations, and build trust.
Ukuvula Amandla Aphelele Wezingxoxo Zokudayisa Funda kabanzi "