Ikusasa Le-Makeup 2026
The future of makeup 2026 will affect customer demands and the products they will use. Here’s what businesses can expect.
The future of makeup 2026 will affect customer demands and the products they will use. Here’s what businesses can expect.
China is facing a serious beauty boom right now. Here are five made in China cosmetics brands rising to the top.
5 Made in China Cosmetics Brands With a Promising Future Funda kabanzi "
The skincare industry is tapping into mental health and its impact on skin health. Here’s what businesses should know about this movement.
Key Beauty Trends in 2024: The Mind-skin Connection Funda kabanzi "
New product formulations target those with dry, itchy, and irritated skin. But are these new products the modern standard in the APAC market?
The women’s evening & special occasion pre-fall trends have already made the runway. Businesses can click here and know which trends to expect.
Key Items – Women’s Evening & Special Occasion Pre-fall 23 Funda kabanzi "
Businesses should prioritize selling activewear with prints and graphics. Here are the critical activewear graphics that businesses should know.
Key Prints & Graphics: Women’s and Men’s Activewear for 23/24 Funda kabanzi "
Nordic beauty has been a major global beauty trend. Here are the current beauty trends in Nordic countries, specifically Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway.
Intelligence: Nordic Beauty Priorities by Country Funda kabanzi "
Brazil’s cosmetic industry is becoming popular worldwide. Click here to know what businesses can expect and which products to sell.
The colder months will get more colorful with #MetaStreetwear. Click here to discover the top styles shaping this menswear trend.
5 Young Men’s Meta-streetwear Utility Fashion Trends for Autumn/Winter 23/24 Funda kabanzi "
Halal beauty is on the road to becoming mainstream. Beauty businesses should understand this and how to appeal to halal consumers.
Beauty enthusiasts focus on natural ways to improve skin health, which is why adaptogenic beauty is a trend for 2024. Here’s what businesses should know.
Key Beauty Trend for 2024: Adaptogenic Beauty Funda kabanzi "
Abathandi bobuhle abamatasa bathanda ukusebenzisa imikhiqizo ye-skincare yesikhathi sokulala ukuze bavuke babe nesikhumba esihle. Nakhu okufanele amabhizinisi akwazi mayelana nokunakekelwa kwesikhumba sokulala.
I-Skincare Yesikhathi Sokulala: Kungani Ibalulekile Ebuhleni? Funda kabanzi "
Izitayela zezingubo zakusihlwa zabesifazane zango-2023 zihlanganisa ukunethezeka nokuvumelana nezimo. Nakhu ukubukeka okufanele amabhizinisi emfashini akubeke eqhulwini.
Izingubo Zakusihlwa Zabesifazane Nezikhathi Ezikhethekile Entwasahlobo/Ehlobo 23 Funda kabanzi "
The top 2023 beauty trends are just about to drop, but we can also expect to see these looks in the next few years. Prepare for these beauty trends!
Kuningi kakhulu ukubukeka kwamashiya ozokubona ngo-2023. Zitholele izitayela zakamuva zamashiya bese ukhetha ukubukeka ofuna ukubukisa ngakho!