Izingxenye Zemoto Nezesekeli

Ukuthola imininingwane kanye nezitayela zemakethe zemboni yezingxenye zezimoto nezinsiza.

All-Electric Daimler Truck Class 4-5 RIZON Amaloli Angena Emakethe YaseCanada

RIZON, Daimler Truck’s newest brand of all-electric vehicles, announced the Canadian launch of its class 4-5 vehicles. The RIZON brand will be presented in Canada for the first time at Truck World in Toronto from April 18 – 20 April and will be available to Canadian customers for the first…

All-Electric Daimler Truck Class 4-5 RIZON Amaloli Angena Emakethe YaseCanada Funda kabanzi "

Amabhasi amancane iMercedes-Benz Sprinter endaweni yokupaka

2025 eSprinter Sethula 81 kWh Ibhethri, Standard Roof kanye 144” Izinketho Wheelbase

Mercedes-Benz USA is extending customer offerings for the new 2025 eSprinter with the launch of the 81-kilowatt hour (kWh) battery option (usable capacity) and further developed technology functions. In addition, enhanced safety and assistance systems are now available as well as upgraded standard equipment for the new conventionally powered Mercedes-Benz…

2025 eSprinter Sethula 81 kWh Ibhethri, Standard Roof kanye 144” Izinketho Wheelbase Funda kabanzi "

Isandla sowesifazane edlulisa iphepha elimhlophe elimise okwemoto

Ukukhetha Imoto Efanele Kagesi: Izivumelwano Zokuqashisa nokuthi Zisho Ukuthini Kuwe

With the impending ban on new petrol and diesel cars in the UK from 2030, there is a growing focus on electric vehicles. They’re efficient, eco-friendly, and increasingly, they’re becoming the practical choice for many. Alongside purchasing, leasing (long-term rental) has emerged as an alternative option for acquiring these vehicles. This article examines electric car…

Ukukhetha Imoto Efanele Kagesi: Izivumelwano Zokuqashisa nokuthi Zisho Ukuthini Kuwe Funda kabanzi "

Manager with a digital tablet on the background of trucks

MAN Significantly Expands eTruck Portfolio; More Than 1M Configurable eTruck Variants

MAN Truck & Bus is significantly expanding the eTruck portfolio for its customers. The number of configurable eTruck variants has risen to more than one million from the three customer combinations previously defined. The new chassis versions of the eTGX and eTGS can be highly customized with a variety of…

MAN Significantly Expands eTruck Portfolio; More Than 1M Configurable eTruck Variants Funda kabanzi "

2021 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali Pickup Truck

2024 I-Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 Amagiya azokwethulwa Ngebanga Elithuthukisiwe

GMC announced the 2024 Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 will add more all-electric range than originally estimated. Through optimization of the GM Ultium Platform, the EV pickup will come standard with a GM-estimated 440-miles of range for the 2024 model year, a 10% increase from the originally estimated range of…

2024 I-Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 Amagiya azokwethulwa Ngebanga Elithuthukisiwe Funda kabanzi "

Imboni yakwaVolkswagen

IVolkswagen Itshala imali engu-€2.5b ku-Hefei Production Hub

Volkswagen is further expanding its production and innovation hub in Hefei, Anhui Province, China with investments totaling €2.5 billion. In addition to the expansion of R&D capacity, preparations are also being made for the production of two Volkswagen brand models, which are currently being developed together with Chinese partner XPENG….

IVolkswagen Itshala imali engu-€2.5b ku-Hefei Production Hub Funda kabanzi "

Ibhasi ledolobha elisebenza nge-Hydrogen esiteshini se-hydrogen fueling

I-Frankfurt Ikhetha Amabhasi E-Solaris Anamandla E-Hydrogen Okwesithathu - Kulokhu Ngenguqulo Ecacisiwe

In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB), the public transport operator in Frankfurt am Main, has placed an order for 9 Solaris Urbino 18 articulated hydrogen buses. There are already 23 hydrogen-powered Solaris buses running in the city, supplied in 2022 and 2024. Deliveries of the articulated buses from the latest order are scheduled…

I-Frankfurt Ikhetha Amabhasi E-Solaris Anamandla E-Hydrogen Okwesithathu - Kulokhu Ngenguqulo Ecacisiwe Funda kabanzi "

IVolkswagen Golf GTE ishaja endaweni yokushaja emgwaqeni eLondon

I-Voltpost Debuts Commercial Lamppost Isixazululo sokushaja imoto kagesi

I-Voltpost, inkampani eyakha izinhlelo zokushaja zemoto kagesi yesibani (i-EV), imemezele ukutholakala kwezentengiso kwesixazululo sokushaja se-EV eseceleni komgwaqo. Le nkampani ithuthukisa futhi ithumele amaphrojekthi wokushaja ama-EV ezindaweni ezinkulu zikamasipala wase-US, okuhlanganisa ne-New York, Chicago, Detroit nezinye, kule ntwasahlobo. I-Voltpost ibuyisela kabusha izigxobo zezibani zibe yimodular futhi…

I-Voltpost Debuts Commercial Lamppost Isixazululo sokushaja imoto kagesi Funda kabanzi "

Iphampu yegesi ye-E85 (Flex Fuel)

I-Propel Fuels Ivula Isiteshi Sayo Sokuqala Se-Flex Fuel E85 eWashington

I-Propel Fuels, umthengisi ohamba phambili kaphethiloli wekhabhoni ephansi, uvule isiteshi sokuqala senkampani i-Flex Fuel E85 e-Washington State, ngokubambisana ne-Road Warrior Travel Center ukwethula ukukhetha kukaphethiloli ongabizi kakhulu, osebenza kakhulu e-Yakima Valley. I-Propel ne-Road Warrior ibungaze ukutholakala kwe-Flex Fuel E85…

I-Propel Fuels Ivula Isiteshi Sayo Sokuqala Se-Flex Fuel E85 eWashington Funda kabanzi "

Ibhethri elivuselelekayo lamandla e-EV lithium

I-Li-ion Eluhlaza Iqala Imboni Yokuqala Yezentengiselwano YaseMelika Yokukhiqiza Izinto Ezisetshenziswa Kabusha Zebhethri Le-Li-ion

I-Green Li-ion, inkampani ye-lithium-ion battery recycling technology, yethula ukufakwa kwayo kokuqala kwezentengiselwano ukuze kukhiqizwe izinto ezisimeme, ezisezingeni lebhethri-okokuqala kohlobo lwayo eNyakatho Melika. Imboni, engaphakathi kwendawo yokugaywa kabusha ekhona, izokhiqiza i-cathode yezinga lebhethri nezinto ze-anode ezivela ezingxenyeni ezigxilile zamabhethri asetshenzisiwe kusetshenziswa ilungelo lobunikazi le-Green Li-ion…

I-Li-ion Eluhlaza Iqala Imboni Yokuqala Yezentengiselwano YaseMelika Yokukhiqiza Izinto Ezisetshenziswa Kabusha Zebhethri Le-Li-ion Funda kabanzi "

Indawo yokuthengisa ye-Porsche enelogo ebomvu phambi kwebhilidi nengemuva lesibhakabhaka esiluhlaza

Amamodeli Amasha e-Porsche Cayenne GTS Afaka I-V8 Enamandla Kakhudlwana Nesebenza Kahle

Porsche is completing its Cayenne model line, which was comprehensively revised in 2023, with the new, particularly dynamic GTS (Gran Turismo Sport) models. The SUV and Coupé combine a 368 kW (500 PS) twin-turbo V8 engine with performance-driven chassis systems. The car is now equipped with adaptive air suspension as…

Amamodeli Amasha e-Porsche Cayenne GTS Afaka I-V8 Enamandla Kakhudlwana Nesebenza Kahle Funda kabanzi "

I-logotype ye-Volvo efektri

Izimoto ZakwaVolvo Zisebenzisa I-Biogas Ukuze Zizuze Isizinda Sazo Sokuqala Esingathathi hlangothi E-China

Volvo Cars’ Taizhou manufacturing plant has switched to biogas, making it the company’s first plant in China to achieve climate-neutral status. The plant’s switch from natural gas will result in a reduction of more than 7,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Despite being a small share of total Scope 1-3…

Izimoto ZakwaVolvo Zisebenzisa I-Biogas Ukuze Zizuze Isizinda Sazo Sokuqala Esingathathi hlangothi E-China Funda kabanzi "

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