Lesi sikhungo esinama-MW angama-30 siwumsebenzi wokuqala wokugcina amandla e-flywheel esikalini esisetshenziswa igridi e-China futhi siwuphrojekthi omkhulu kunawo wonke emhlabeni.

Image: Pjrensburg, Wikimedia Commons
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China has connected to the grid its first large-scale standalone flywheel energy storage project in Shanxi Province’s city of Changzhi.
The Dinglun Flywheel Energy Storage Power Station broke ground in July last year. China Energy Construction Shanxi Power Engineering Institute and Shanxi Electric Power Construction Company carried out the construction works. BC New Energy was the technology provider and Shenzhen Energy Group was the main investor.
The facility has a power output of 30 MW and is equipped with 120 high-speed magnetic levitation flywheel units. Every 10 flywheels form an energy storage and frequency regulation unit, and a total of 12 energy storage and frequency regulation units form an array, which is connected to the power grid at a voltage level of 110 kV.
The project represents a pioneering use of a semi-buried underground well system designed to provide a safe environment for the operation, waterproofing, cooling, and maintenance of the flywheel unit.
Flywheel energy storage technology is a form of mechanical energy storage that works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as kinetic energy. Compared to other mechanical energy storage technologies such as pumped hydro and compressed air, flywheel storage has higher energy and power density, higher efficiency, and rapid response.
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