Kusibuyekezo esisha sangeviki se pv umagazini, I-OPIS, inkampani ye-Dow Jones, inikeza ukubuka okusheshayo kwezitayela zamanani eziyinhloko embonini ye-PV yomhlaba wonke.

The Chinese Module Marker (CMM), the OPIS benchmark assessment for mono PERC modules from China, was assessed at $0.123 per W, down $0.003/W week on week, while TOPCon module prices fell $0.004/W to $0.131/W. These new record lows come amid muted year-end demand as module makers cut production.
Prices in China have seen particular declines. While most tier-1 players – including a top 5 solar major – generally offer modules at around the CNY1 ($0.14)/W mark, some sellers lowered prices past that psychologically significant threshold. PERC modules have been offered as low as CNY0.72 ($0.10), multiple manufacturers said.

The winter season is a “weaker period of the year, hence, lower demand,” a solar market veteran said. China’s module makers are trying to clear their inventories, according to a module seller, during this off-season. Before their fiscal year closes in December, Chinese companies are attempting to sell stock and “bump up their revenues,” a different veteran said.
Operating rates are falling in this oversupplied environment. Some medium-sized solar factories are already closing for a break, according to a module maker. Factories in China usually only break during the Spring Festival, and a break now two months ahead of that holiday suggests that “factories don’t have orders,” the module maker said. Module factory operating rates are said to be 50-60%, according to an experienced market observer.
Low prices continue to be on the horizon as 2023 ends and in the year to come. 2024 will be a challenging year, according to a major solar developer. Low prices will persist for a time, with the industry gradually starting to stabilize in 2025 and then recover, the developer said.
I-OPIS, inkampani ye-Dow Jones, ihlinzeka ngezintengo zamandla, izindaba, idatha, nokuhlaziya ngophethiloli, udizili, uphethiloli wejethi, i-LPG/NGL, amalahle, izinsimbi, namakhemikhali, kanye namafutha avuselelekayo kanye nempahla yemvelo. Ithole izimpahla zedatha yamanani e-Singapore Solar Exchange ngo-2022 futhi manje ishicilela Umbiko Wamaviki Onke we-OPIS APAC.
Imibono nemibono evezwe kulesi sihloko ngeyombhali ngokwakhe, futhi ayibonisi leyo ephethwe nguye pv umagazini.
Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe yi-copyright futhi akumele kuphinde kusetshenziswe. Uma ufuna ukubambisana nathi futhi ungathanda ukuphinda usebenzise okunye okuqukethwe kwethu, sicela uthinte: editors@pv-magazine.com.
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