INewton Energy Solutions ithi uhlelo lwayo olusha lokugcina okushisayo lulungele izindlu ezifakwe amaphaneli elanga kanye namaphampu okushisa noma ama-boilers wegesi. Ibhethri inamandla okugcina amandla angu-20 kWh kuya ku-29 kWh.

Dutch heating specialist Newton Energy Solutions has introduced a new thermal energy storage system for residential applications.
“NEStore is an optimal solution for homes or buildings with PV systems and can be combined with heat pumps and gas boilers,” a spokesperson told pv umagazini.
The system features a patented 3 cm thin vacuum insulation and a design that reduces the number of thermal bridges.
“This combination ensures that the system minimizes downtime losses to 1% per day,” the spokesperson said. “The good insulation the water temperature, without causing high temperatures energy losses.”
The system is available in two versions, with water volumes of 214 liters and 320 liters and energy storage capacities of 20 kWh and 29 kWh.
The smallest product measures 1,650 mm x 590 mm and weighs 154 kg. The largest version measures 2,050 mm x 590 mm, and weighs 190 kg.
For both systems, the voltage is 230 V and the setpoint temperature is between 55 C and 110 C. The heat loss for the first system is estimated at 1.44% per day, while for the second system is 1.35% per day.
According to the manufacturer, the 20 kWh product can heat 600 liters of tap water to 40 C, which it said is enough for around a 1.5-hour shower or provide up to four days of hot water for a family of four persons.
“The NEStore charges when there is surplus power from the solar panels, or based on the most favorable dynamic energy rates,” the spokesperson went on to say, noting that the system can be installed in either existing or new buildings.
The thermal battery costs between €200 ($218.80)/kWh and €250/kWh.
“That’s way down the costs of electric home batteries sold at approximately €750/kWh to €1,000/kWh and above the costs of a standard electric hot water boiler at about €140€/kWh,” the spokesperson said.
Newton Energy Solutions began selling the thermal batteries in July and plans to increase its production capacity in 2024.

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