Ikhaya » Ukuthola Imikhiqizo » Amandla avuselelekayo » I-France Imemezela Izilinganiso Ezintsha Zokufaneleka Zezinhlelo ze-PV ezifika ku-500 KW

I-France Imemezela Izilinganiso Ezintsha Zokufaneleka Zezinhlelo ze-PV ezifika ku-500 KW

Izintengo ezintsha ze-feed-in (FITs) zase-France zangoNovemba kuya kuJanuwari zisuka ku-€0.13 ($0.141)/kWh ziye ku-€0.088/kWh, kuye ngosayizi wesistimu.

nao xotl

Image: Nao Xotl, Unsplash

Kuvela kumagazini we-pv France

France’s energy regulator, the Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie (CRE), has released FITs for rooftop solar installations up to 500 kW in size for November to January.

The new tariff for PV systems below 3 kW is €0.103 ($0.112)/kWh, while the rate for PV systems ranging in size from 3 kW to 9 kW will be €0.088/kWh.

The rate for the 9-36 kW category was set at €0.13/kWh.

Thatha i-decran

For the 36 kW to 100 kW segment, the feed-in tariff is €0.113/kWh, while for the 100 kW to 500 kW category, it is €0.105/kWh.

The CRE has also set a tariff of €0.1276/kWh for surplus power from PV systems up to 3 kW operating under net metering, and of €0.076/kWh for PV systems with a capacity of 9 kW to 100 kW.

All tariffs have been reduced compared to the previous three-month period.

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Umthombo ovela pv umagazini

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